Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

Is it possible that the decision release dates for deferred EA and regular decision are the exact same days as Ross decisions?

Maybe somewhere out there, but not here on this site.

They were last year and the first release of RD this year and the Ross first release were timed together.

Sorry, I do not know.

Again, my sample is based on this site, but there were one or two acceptances posted here and there between the waves. But they have so many schools, so those acceptances could be the smaller schools of Nursing, SMTD and/or Kinesiology.

Last year at my daughter’s in-state high school, there were mid-January, mid-February, and mid-March “dribbles”.

Based on what we heard, the number accepted in the “dribbles” was less than 10% of those accepted in the corresponding waves. LSA and CoE acceptances were the majority of the “dribble” acceptances.

Has anyone heard any feedback on how they are considering legacies this year? In the past, they’ve seemed to appreciate legacies and hoping it’s still a considered factor.

Accepted Last night, High school in outside USA, Submitted App on January 5
Uw 4
SAT 1500
SAT Subject Physics, Math 800/800

Can you send a first choice letter of intent for regular decision applicants? If so, who do you send it to?

@karen0 They will only accept the LOI submission through the portal. 3/1 is the deadline for RD. They mention RD applicant on the “postponed” LOI explanation.

The Expression of Continued Interest form is NOT required for consideration in our process. Furthermore, no preference is given for the order or date in which the form is received. If you choose to submit this form, we prefer that you do so by Feb. 1 (for early action postponed applicants) or March 1 (for regular decision applicants).

Why is the university providing the ECI form?

Historically, many early action applicants who were not admitted in early action, and some regular decision applicants, attempted to provide further information about themselves after their application was submitted. But we did not offer standard guidance on how to do so. The quantity and quality of the information varied greatly, and follow up with students was inefficient and cumbersome. The ECI allows for an equitable experience for all applicants who desire to send additional information after their application is completed, and provides guidance for the submission of that information.

So apparently it seems like for those who did not get decision notification might have to wait until next wave which seems to around end of February or beginning of march. I was expecting another wave today but looking at the thread, I believe no one got notification after 1/31. And did any International Students got their decision back, I see many OOS but I am not sure it’s whether OOS (US) or OOS (International).

I got in Jan. 31st after EA deferred.

100.3 GPA weighted (like 4.4 I believe, our school doesn’t tell us our unweighted by I have had 1 B freshman year the rest are As- all high As last year and this year). My first semester grades brought up my GPA alot, was a 99. 55 going into senior year.

9 APs (had not sent in AP scores for EA but send before wave released- 3 on AP HUG freshman year, 4 on AP Lang and World, 5 on Micro, Macro (did not enroll in course just exam), APUSH, currently in AP Calc A/B, AP Gov., AP Art History, AP environmental science, Honors English, and religion (required at my school))

ACT- 35 (one sitting), SAT- 1480 (800 on math, had a better english on different test but didn’t send b/c Michigan doesn’t superscore ,is a 1510 superscore).

Good letters of rec. I hope (we aren’t allowed to read them). I got three teachers and one outside- my cheer coach.

Essays were the best of all the colleges that I applied to in my opinion and all gramatically correct (had college counselor). LOCI was weak but I submitted 3 days after I was deferred and wrote in an hour or two so not sure how big of an impact that it makes.

ECs: good in my opinion, cheer team for four years, service trip, volunteered 40 hours tutoring children the past summer, president/founder of a Jr. Junior League service club at my school, co-president of senior sisters program at my school, student tour guide, etc.

Honors societies: NHS, English (co-president) , Science, History

Applied OOS from private school- our school does not have a good record of getting in, only one last year after defferal, but two other students got in EA this year (not sure if this matters but ethnicity is white and no legacies).

Oh and I applied to LSA major in Psychology!

Congrats! By the way, when did u submit your Form? Also are you an international student living outside US?

When does science major decisions come out? Chemistry major here!

I heard from Michigan friends that AOs told them EA app number was record high of over 40,000. Total app is estimated 65,000. AOs have 1.5 months to read 40,000 EA apps and 3-3.5 months for 25,000 RD apps. It’s not possible to holistically read all EA apps. They are not admitting that they don’t read all EA apps, but I honestly think they haven’t gotten to some of your EA apps. No clue how they pick which ons to read, but be positive and patient!

There was some international I thought. Not many.

So everyone has to understand that on CC here this is a very, very small microcosm of the real world. Many, many thousands of applicants got acceptance notices. Sorry
 I know that stings
 But also many won’t accept due to various reasons
 (, better now?)

Start getting excited about your other acceptances. If you did everything you could do for Michigan then just hoping is all that’s left. Getting information about your other choices will do a few things. You might actually like those choices better. Crazy as it sounds it happens every year. Also it prepares you for the worst and it’s much easier to move on.

Michigan states you will know by early April. Yes April.

For a young adult this is great preparation for life. You wouldn’t apply to just one internship, job application etc and just wait? You apply to many to spread out your chances. You would also research those internships and job offers so when one acceptance happens you can make your decision right there and then.

Trust me, I wish everyone especially on CC will get accepted. But your all smart enough to know that there is a lot of “luck” that comes into play here.

@mavian. Those numbers are consistent with the last few years actually. Maybe the numbers are somewhat higher total

I live in the U.S. and submitted my form on December 23rd (deferred on 19th).

EA Deferred, Accepted on Jan 31
High stats