Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

@Knowsstuff That’s what I thought. Maybe they didn’t want to tell the exact numbers but wanted say they got a lot more. My daughter’s app has a URL for her stuff, and there was no traffic until end of December.

This is where we are at. My son is neck deep in exploring two other options that are essentially the finalists for his decision. And he has come to learn some of the great opportunities at those options for both his major and his music. I’d say it doesn’t really matter at this point what the Michigan decision ultimately is. He’s ok with that. I think Michigan counts on winning the the war of attrition against a fair amount of students. It will be interesting to see what the final decision is once they decide to make one. At this point we are not particularly optimistic though. I wish nothing but the best for all of those who are in and have accepted their offers.

did anyone else get in RD? why/how did i get in so fast (applied like two weeks ago, accepted friday, never even sent mid-year reports)? I’ve only been seeing people get in after being deferred EA.

i am Legal permanent resident living outside US

These are roughly the same numbers as the last two years.

As for not being able to read all EA apps, this is a theory that’s floated every year.

The UC’s here in CA have to read as many apps as UMich up to over 100,000 apps for schools like UCLA for early scholarships like the Chancellors and Regents by about February 1st. And UC apps are due 11/30. Somehow the UC’s are able to sift through all those apps, just like UMich has to in order to determine scholarships. My 2018 kid received one. These are big schools with big budgets and probably have AI to help them.

In other words, only being able to read x amount of the EA apps, but not all of them, is an excuse IMO. An excuse that gets promoted every year. I’ll get off my soapbox now. :smile:

Don’t know if this is true but a family friend who used to work at UMichigan - she retired a few years ago - said all the applications are read.

She said, AOs, some Faculty and other Administrators take part in the process of reading applications.

She said each application is read initially by 2 different people who decide to reject, accept, defer.

If there is a consensus then (both people say accept/reject, etc.) that is what they go with.

If there is a discrepancy, 1 person says accept, 1 person says reject/defer - a third person looks at the application.

She says UMichigan defers and waitlists a lot of applicants to err on the side of caution (making sure they make their numbers). For example, she says some students will actually pay a deposit May 1 and not show up or respond the 2 weeks before school starts.

She told me this last July. I have not spoken to her since about the process.

do A.O read deferred application all again in R.D or only Loci and mid term grade?
Also, if my school send part of my transcript detail after feb 1st would they consider it? (I got my foreign language credit, but it will be sent this week. Without this credit i am consider unqualified)

sam2341 - I don’t know. My initial question to her was - Does UMichigan do a first cut of applications based on grades/scores? She said no, all the applications are read in their entirety and then explained the steps I mentioned above to me. I have not spoken to her since because she knew I was applying to UMichigan and I didn’t want it to seem that I was trying to get insider information - so I honestly don’t know the answer to your question. Sorry.

All good. I am just really nervous that part of my essential information is not summited yet. I really do not want them to think i am unqualified

Maybe you could contact them and say some of your information will be delayed (for 2/3 more weeks?). They might be able to make a note in your file. I have called them twice and both times the Admissions office personnel was very friendly, helpful and professional. I didn’t get the impression I was bothering them. They were very courteous.

email your AO and make sure

I already did and they told me. I can summit it late but do it as fast i can since they might not be able to review it before my decision. :frowning: hopefully my application is the last one to be read.

Cross your fingers and hope for the best.

if they deferred us and we didn’t hear back in the first wave…does that mean we are less likely to be accepted in the next waves?

I would think if you are deferred - your application is looked at again at some point - when I don’t know. However, your application would be looked at again to decide if to accept you /reject you / continue to defer you/waitlist you.

A lot could also depend on how you compare to the regular decision pool.

I got deferred from the early action applicant pool. I’m a bit confused on the release process… are their decisions rolling? When will I find out by? Do the deferred applicants hear back at different times than the regular decision applicants? Does anyone have any information on this? Thanks, it would help a lot.

How they review your application is simply on their website. There is no mystery.

Once deferred your application goes back into the RD pot.

@hmilo394. Of course. There are only so many spots available right?

Each wave takes some of those spots. The further you are not accepted the harder it is to get accepted. Hopefully you will be accepted soon.

@Knowsstuff if we don’t get in after the march wave, should we expect to be rejected?

@mgros333. Well the chances of acceptance seem to go down with each wave. You will see with each wave probably rejections starting to happen. But people are always pleasantly surprised in April also. It’s still early in the process. As I tell people that are still here. Start looking at your other choices and get excited about some of those now. If you get into Michigan and you know you can afford it then great. But if you don’t then your already mentally prepared for your next adventure and it’s easy to just move on.

Mark my word… Each year there are lots of people that find it very hard to move on. I tell people that this is just a game and it’s not really about you. It’s about whatever class the schools are trying to build. Some will include you and some won’t. It’s hard to understand the why.