Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

I applied for regular decision Chemistry major. When should I expect to hear a decision?

people on reddit are saying that the people that get into UMich and GT are not good enough for ivies. they are saying that UMich and GT yield protect and they accept the people that they donā€™t think have a shot at iviesā€¦ this is straight BS, right?

I was deferred and due to unfortunate circumstances, my grades were not great. They have all dropped to B+/ B . My postponement stated that I should send my grades, however, how do you think this will affect my decision? should I send my AO a note?

I donā€™t necessarily know the answer to your question but Iā€™ll tell what you what I did. I was deferred from early as well. I was also told on portal to send in my grades. Additionally, I had a negative grade trend (still a decent gpa) in high school meaning that my junior year grades were a lot lower than any of the other years. I knew I just had to get solid senior year first semester grades, send them in, and then Iā€™m set. However, things went awry and I ended up with quite bad senior year grades. I made a tough call and just neglected to send them in, without sending a letter or anything. All of the other kids at my school sent theirs in so I must have stuck out like a sore thumb. Fortunately, it all worked out well for me! All Iā€™m saying is that even if everything indicates you should send in grades you donā€™t necessarily have to for acceptance. Just my two cents. I feel like they wont seriously influence your decision if you send them in or not.

Thank you @sushiritto and @Knowsstuff for your insight, we haveā€™nt had any prior contact with this person thus will just maintain the status quo and let the school send the Fall grades.

For people who got accepted 1/31, which majors did you guys apply to?

Maybe they made decisions by major?

The totality of 1/31 acceptances posted on CC were in LSA and COEā€¦ Gives me hope for Kinesiology, but then again there may have just been no Kinesiology kids posting.

My son was deferred kinesiology as well and still waiting. Michigan was his top choice so now heā€™s beating himself up for not applying ed to one of his other choices

Fall Grades - my counselor spoke with our AO about fall grades as our school just finished mid term grading. The AO said that only if fall grades are requested on the applicants portal do they need to send and those whose ā€œChecklist is completeā€ they have all the necessary information to render a decision. He said they went through each one so that they were sure to send them for the appropriate students.

They also said there could be scattered acceptances in between but most will come end of February and end of March.

Is there any forum for transfer student?

@ferry. There is a winter one also. This is the fall one. Look under University of michigan in college Confidential. Lots to find there about the school.

How do you see if your checklist is complete?

When you sign into Enrollment Connect under Messages there should be a tab ā€œChecklist Completeā€ (if complete) and under Application there is a tab Your Application Status should say if Checklist is Complete.

FWIW, in terms of LAST YEAR, there were 0 decisions for Kinesiology in the February wave. But, 2 acceptances to Kinesiology in the March wave. The caveat of course, thatā€™s here on CC, the smallest of sample sizes.

Need help - my D sent in the RD application on ~Jan 15, and just got an email saying that the school has all the information to be able to make decision but suggested to send in LOCI to show interest. (something like that - donā€™t have the email in front of me, so wording isnā€™t exact).

She plans to send in the LOCI, but does every RD applicant get an email like this? Does it imply deferral? Should we handle this like any other LOCI?

@mxlexx. Donā€™t read into this letter. Follow the instructions. Send in a Loci. Most everyone got this letter. There is no deferral at this point. Itā€™s either accepted, denied or wait list.

There isnā€™t any deferral option for RD applicants. I believe your decision will either be acceptance, rejection or waitlist.

Maybe a post-11/1 RD applicant can answer your question about receiving a LOCI. I assume theyā€™re attempting to establish level of interest in UMich. I would treat the submission of LOCI like your D really truly wants to go to UMich.

Maybe use words and phrases like ā€œThe Team, The Team, The Team,ā€ ā€œHailā€ and ā€œGo Blue.ā€ (Iā€™m kidding) :smiley:

Read the mission statement!!!

Leaders and Best is also key.

Better end it Go Blue!! ?

Did every RD applicants receive an email saying that "We are certain we have enough information at this time to make a decision. However, you can choose to wite an Expression of Continued Interest Form which is not required for RD selection. "
I have no idea with this because I have not even received my RD decision yet. Does that mean I have already been put on the waitlist?
I think It is so weird that school told me to think about whether filling out this form even before the decision has been out.

I think everyone received this email tbh