Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

Patience everyone.

ETA to the 1st RD wave is about 5 more weeks.

And time flies.

Do you know if this wave is mostly deferred students from EA or also RD. Wouldn’t it be hard to be RD as their apps are due when this wave starts? Also this wave is usually more acceptances right? Sorry for all the questions haha!

@DG Don’t feel bad. Firstly, Michigan does their deferrals in unconventional ways to protect their yield or they might not have even come across your application yet. So a deferral doesn’t carry a lot of significance. As others have said, if it came down to merit, the process would be a whole different story. There are too many factors like money, legacy, race that make the process one that is evidently not fully correct. If you’re very interested, work on that LOCI and you can be accepted


I think it is fair to assume that if you apply RD at Michigan, you are pretty disadvantaged.

yeah, that’s what I’ve heard at least! I got deferred with a 1450 and 3.976 GPA. really good ECs and essays so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for 2/1! I also am in state and LSA.

The 1st RD wave is nearly all acceptances. At least in the past.

Prospective students can submit their RD app on 11/2 (or pick almost any date post-11/1 pre-12/31 (just a guess) and I’m sure they’re RD app will be considered in the 1st RD wave.

As @yikesyikesyikes mentions above, the deferred EA app in my kind as well, gets a bump for demonstrating early interest to UMich. So to answer your question, IMO, the 1st wave is mostly former deferred EA apps.

From Wiki:

Race is not considered. Legacy is considered, but from my experience here on CC, there have been plenty of legacies rejected.

The process isn’t correct? Well, I’m sure UMich would disagree. It’s their process and they accept roughly half their freshman class in EA. The other half is accepted RD. And it’s extremely insulting to others who were accepted during EA that you think it’s not based on merit.

My kid was accepted EA in December 2017 and I’ll put up stacks of cash she earned it and then some. ?

Clearly, from reading CC, thinking about college does not take a break on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas to those that celebrate

In case this is an extension of the “X” theory, I just wanted to revive a post I put up a few days ago: could everyone refer to the “Application Checklist” page at the URL qnd let us know if they have a “X” for fall grades, or any other requested item? Plus your relative merits for admission.

My DD does not
and I would not say she’s a strong OOS candidate.

I don’t think anyone still has the X in this thread as people with the X were accepted already for the most part.

@Edisonian - will be interesting to see if there’s a tell before the next wave
there is no X and no request for fall grades - other than in the postponement prompt on enrollment connect. So i dont have an X for fall grades, but its requested to add to the common app on the prompt you click on Decision Postponed, it asks for first semester grades, and notes the completion of the LOCI if completed.

My daughter submitted her LOCI today, it has been hard to focus on other things with her brother home and seeing a cousin who is an athletic recruit to Michigan who was just “officially” accepted and 2 other cousins applying to other schools, so much of our large holiday gathering was spent talking about and dissecting the whole college process! It really got to me, lol!! While they would be lucky to have her, It would be a great honor for her to be accepted, Michigan is a leader in nearly all majors and within her areas of interest. Now she waits

On the “Fall grades”, she nor anyone from her school who applied have the line for fall grades, there is a wide range of students applying too, so it doesn’t seem to indicate any preferrence. Their counselors believe that they did not get to all the applications. From 2 years ago my sons counselors said that they read the applications from each school as a group, most put them in on or near the last day. Thus I am in the camp that they didn’t get to all of the applications and were forced to “postpone” the decisions for many.

@FoxRulz. I think your right. I remember this from a few cycles ago. Like students from whole regions didn’t get in then on one of the waves like whole school districts got their notices.

Just curious to the rationale behind the letter that says they have everything they need to make a decision yet still want the LOCI and fall grades? Could one assume that if you send in a really good LOCI and your fall grades and course rigor remain good, you have a good chance getting in RD? I mean why not flat out deny during EA

@Sk8ter. One always has a chance at RD. First off, they might of not gotten to your application yet. Second, they want to make sure you really want to be there. They don’t want anymore awards, recommendations and the like. They want to make sure your still doing well in school. Michigan is a very hard school. That doesn’t get enough play on here.

I view it as
 Let them take as much time as they need to accept your application. ?.

Some say Michigan is the MIT of the West!

When a student is deferred to RD, are they given priority consideration like they were in EA or are they simply grouped in with the other RD applicants?


Nobody here knows for sure, unless they have talked to an admissions counselor/officer from Michigan or I have missed some public announcement via their blogs or what not. It is a fair assumption that EA shows a significantly higher demonstrated interested in the school, which is “considered” by Michigan when granting admissions.

In reading here about the LOCI after being deferred, it seems that some applicants think it is best to emphasize why UM is still their first choice or explain in more depth exactly why it is they want to attend this particular college.

But shouldn’t the LOCI be clearly focused on the prompt itself: “In 250 words or less, describe how your personal educational goals connect to the University of Michigan’s mission and values.”? In other words, doesn’t the LOCI need to show knowledge of the school’s “mission and values”? I mean if the student applied EA, and the student is writing the followup letter, isn’t it already pretty clear they have continuing interest? Where should the focus of the LOCI be?

@Micky7. I totally agree with you. I think the New Loci serves 2 purposes. First, if your still truly interested. Just having to write another essay. Kids that don’t really want to be there could easily be in the thousands.

SECONDLY , why do you still want to go to Michigan since most people would have other choices by now?

When my son 3 years ago wrote his “why” Michigan essay it was mostly about the types of kids he wants to be surrounded by and how he wants to learn. He wants to be challenged and pushed to be his best (leader and best, right?)
 He talked about how he plans to get involved in the university community (Leadership). He actually started a club in High school and “did” start a tech club at at Michigan. Students involved in high school tend to be involved on campus

So leaders and best came out in his essay.

Michigan doesn’t want to hear how great their research is or how their rated. They know those stats. I think they want to know how you fit in and what role you plan on taking.

Good luck.

"In 250 words or less, describe how your personal educational goals connect to the University of Michigan’s mission and values. "

I think it should connect directly to their mission and values while being yourself in the essay! My son got in 2 years ago EA without even stepping foot on campus, so for him his draw was their rankings within his areas of interest thus he mentioned them in his main application but added why this was important to his area of interest

Everyone is different and I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer just be authentic and connect to the question.