Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

The LOCI and your answer to the essay prompt aren’t mutually exclusive. The two intersect IMO.

Perhaps I’m confused, but I thought the only LOCI one could submit this year was the essay prompt on how the applicant’s educational goals intersect Michigan’s mission and values. (D just submitted hers this week - said it was impossible to write more than 250 words).

For what it’s worth, I’m coming around to the idea that the additional essay for deferred applicants is a good idea. D was relieved not to have to hit up a teacher for another rec (even though she easily could), or submit yet more examples of her leadership/EC’s. The extra essay is short, it puts everyone on the same footing, and it weeds out the applicants who have no intention of attending. No system is perfect, but this seems a better solution than having a bunch of well-qualified applicants engage in an “extra materials” arms race.

After looking through a lot of these posts: the way I see it, nothing has substantially changed for EA admissions since the 2014-2015 admissions period (for Class of 2019) - which seems to have maybe been the first year with the mass deferrals with confusing admissions decisions that made people think some applications were just not read. Whether or not that actually happened, or is happening right now, is unconfirmed, and we do not have clear and convincing evidence to suggest that Michigan admissions is not honoring their commitment to go through Early Action applications in a timely way (that they are simply deferring applications they do not get to).

Michigan now explicitly asks for LOCIs, and provides direction on how to go about it. Before, you just had to know to do it, if deferred. This helps applicants who may not have access to the best or most proactive college admissions advice have a more equal footing.

@Micky7 That’s what I was thinking when writing mine. I focused on how the mission statement connects to my own mission in my career, and how Michigan is my top school because of that!

does anyone have any ideas of what I should talk about in my LOCI? all my EC’s are the same this year and I still have all A’s. I also mentioned that UMich is my first choice and would undoubtedly attend if accepted. What else can I talk about? please help!

@hmilo394. Look what I wrote on number #98. Read the couple after that as well.

Happy New Year! ???

@Knowsstuff quick question ? How should I address it? should I say something like “Dear University of Michigan Admission Committee”

@hmilo394. In my opinion that is fine or just University of Michigan or something like that.

Remember to thank them for putting you on the deferred list. Remember some people “were” rejected. Remember to tell them you will attend when selected. Notice I didn’t say “if” selected… ?. When closing, thank them for taking the time for reviewing your loci and your looking forward to starting your educational endeavor at University of Michigan.

Hello, I have to write my LOCI and I thought it has specific question that states ‘’ In 250 words or less, describe how your personal educational goals connect to the University of Michigan’s mission and values.‘’
Does anyone know what is exactly University of Michigan’s Mission and Values? I looked it up and it seems each department has different mission and values and I am confused. For instance, I am applying to LSA - Undecided and LSA and UMich seems to have different mission. Which one should I go with?
Here is the link for both if anyone needs it:–mission–goals–guiding-principles.html
Also for LOCI, do I have to answer the question only or state other information as well?

From previous threads and responses, I heard UMich release their RD on 3 different days, starting from around Feb 1st, March 1st and April 1st. For those who are Postponed and moved to RD, does anyone know when they release decision for Post phoned people? I would like to get decision on Feb 1st but as the LOCI is due Feb 1st, it seems March or after would be more reasonable.

Last, does anyone know approximate chance of postponed students to get accepted, especially for LSA Students?

Thank you and Happy New Year!!!

Postponed = deferred = RD. They’re all the same. EA applicants deferred or postponed are considered RD along with those applicants submitting between 11/2/19 and 2/1/20. All RD applicants will be in the same pool that may receive decisions on those 3 (or more) future release dates.

I’ll say this again, in prior years, RD releases (“waves”) have been on or about 2/1, 3/1 and 4/1. Yes, there have an acceptance here and there in between those dates. That does happen.

Sometime in the next week or two, Ross will release their decision dates. Last year, LSA, CoE and other UMich schools followed those exact dates, which were Fridays.

If I had to guess these dates, then:

  1. Friday 1/31 or 2/7
  2. Friday 2/28 or 3/6
  3. Friday 3/27 or 4/3

@Knowsstuff thank you for helping me out! I just submitted it today. Do you think it’s possible I will receive a decision by February?

@hmilo394. No problem. That’s what we here for.

Well anything is possible… Lol ?.

I do know people the last few years that did get accepted February 1 from RD. But…you could get accepted also in April?.

Buckle up for a long ride and hope for the best.

Good luck.

Hi, I applied EA and was deferred. To my knowledge, some people are being asked to give their Fall-term grades along with their Expression of Continued Interest. However, I am a high school student in Ontario, Canada, and my first-semester final grades will only be available on February 11. I was wondering if anyone knows if it is better to simply send my grades now (which wouldn’t include their final exams since those are at the end of this month) or if waiting to send is the better or expected action.


@DysonSphere. Neither option. Find out who your Admissions officer is and ask this question. They are back in session this upcoming week. They will advise you properly since you have a different situation then most.

Hello all.
Son was deferred. I think the “why Michigan” essay could have been better but we have nothing to compare it to, if we were to give any deferment reason other than issue mentioned below.

The other issue we had was our application was changed to OOS and noticed about a week prior to decisions. We caught the mistake then and sent emails and they said it would take 1-2 weeks (decisions were coming out in a week) to review and change plus we might have to send in documentation. I told them I wasn’t worried about the documentation since he lived in MI his entire life minus an international Internship, and summer programs abroad (nothing over 2 mos.) That or an online class (couldn’t fit in schedule) could have triggered the OOS. But we were more concerned if he would get his application reviewed in time.
Residency status was changed prior to decisions (without documentation), but don’t think his application was reviewed thoroughly. (At least there is doubt) Mostly annoyed that this adds doubt to our process. This includes the knowledge of the X Checklist; which I wholeheartedly wanted to de-bunk… For selfish reasons we all know now. Lol.

As for LOCI: turned in earlier this week to give enough time to review and write 250 impactful words. Hoping for a Feb 1, positive decision.

He understands there are less students accepted to COE, in EA and RD than LSA. He will continue to work hard for a Michigan Decision and he has done so many things right along the way. (I want to brag more, but we all get it) In the end, he will find the right place that wants him.

I would love to know if others were placed in OOS accidentally. They mentioned bc of his Germany experiences, and BC of taking a course through BYU for a class he couldn’t fit in schedule. But one other person (friend of friend) was also placed OOS bc of an international visit/working volunteer program on their application.

I wish all of you the best and know you will find the perfect home to start your future.

I was deferred as well. Do you all think the extra essay is to help weed people out? I sent mine and will send my first semester grades when they are available. I know it’s common to get deferred I just wonder how many acceptances there are after deferral?

@Mimigirl re weeding out I think so. More than anything it’s for those that were accepted at ED schools to bow out of the process. My counselor sent the grades today and I did the LOCI the evening I was deferred (I drafted in advance as I thought I may be deferred being OOS). Will be very interesting to see how long we all have to wait.

A lot. The past two years, UMich has accepted almost at total 15,000 (EA and RD) students. For the Class of 2022, the last numbers I/we have, UMich accepted about 50% during EA and about the other 50% during RD. I’ll bet the kids on this forum will have a high probability of being accepted. Why? You’re high stat kids and you want to attend UMich.

FWIW, our close friend/neighbor’s kid, a family we’ve known since our kids were 2-3 years old, they went to all the same schools, was deferred as well. It goes without saying, she’s a VERY high stat student just like you guys.

@Mimigirl. I would think the having to do a formal Loci would weed people out since not everyone will go forward with this. Many schools do this and I think its a good idea.

@Knowsstuff and @sushiritto as always thank you for your responses. I’m a bit on the lower side with stats for OOS (31 and 3.8) but I’m hoping my most recent grades (4.0 first semester senior year) that will help as well as great ECs and recs. And I’m a double legacy but not sure how much that matters. I’m managing my expectations and hoping for the best.