Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

Can students be waitlisted still or are these decisions just accept or deny?

@asdhkj Unless I am mistaken, you were admitted to CoE. Congratulations! Can you share your stats?

Not heard yet - RD - OOS Engineering - NJ. Applied right before RD deadline. Probably need to start considering other options.

@Rissy3332. So the decisions now till April will be accepted, rejected or wait listed. So yes, you can still be wait listed. Last year around 420 came off. Some years very few.

Applied EA kinesiology and deferred. From a New England state. Sent LOCI early Jan. No decision this round. Congrats to all who got in.

DS accepted yesterday
In state
4.0 UW
32 ACT
LSA, preferred Ross, has not heard from Ross
8 APā€™s including: Bio, Chem, Calc BC, Spanish, Lang, Gov, History, maybe a few more
Lots of leadership and ECā€™s but did not include all on his ap
Lots of Varsity sports
Essays were so-so
A lot of people from his school have already been accepted so I thought he wouldnā€™t

@MonkeyDo. Congrats and which state are you from?

@Edisonian, My son was admitted to LSA on 31 Jan wave and Ross on 28 Feb. We are OOS.

@Edisonian, Thank you.

DS accepted LSA Deferred from EA
In state
4.0 UW
33 ACT
LSA, preferred Taubman, no word yet
No APā€™s offered at his school. Took Honors and hardest classes offered including 2 languages.
Essays were very strong and unique
Tons of ECā€™s and lots of immersion travel
Submitted LOCI in January

I got accepted to CoE OOS!! Iā€™m really happy, but the OOS tuition for UMich is INSANE.

Still no decision for DS COE OOS. It is no longer in the running, but will not withdraw application. Paid $75 for a decision, so we will get a decision.

No word yet - OOS, applied EA for LSA, 33 ACT and yes, D wrote the invited essay after she was deferred. Although she and her friends did not hear any good news on Friday, she was aware of one classmate who heard bad news (a rejection), so we assume still has a chance, although her interests admittedly have shifted elsewhere.

I agree with you. For $75, I would at least like an answer even though it is looking more and more like a rejection.
Who would withdraw at this point unless maybe if you got accepted binding Early Decision somewhere or got into a military academy or something amazing??
My daughter applied Nov 1 or so has been waiting 4 months. Other kids applied and got accepted all within February. Why canā€™t the school let the EA kids know already?

CoE OOS stats for acceptance please.

OOSā€¦CoE here too. Stats?

I was reading the thread from class of 2022 on this topic and it seems most of those posting on the final wave (end of March) were rejections and waitlist.

In State.
Itā€™s so weird, two well rounded kids with the highest ACT scores havenā€™t been accepted yet. Everyone from his school that has been accepted seem to have 29-33 ACT. Protection yield?

I donā€™t think so fully. . Michigan always takes lessor Act/grades from Instate students which is great but many students in the first round had some very high grades and stats also.

Remember they are building a class after athletes and they like they want a diverse student body.

Also read From GT and one of the best admission blogs out there. Itā€™s not all about grades. Essays, recommendations etc all count. We know of a kid that only got into his local public college UIUC but was shut out everywhere else and he is that kid you would think he would get many more acceptances. When showing this and other blogs to his parents they are likeā€¦ No he didnā€™t do that at all.

So it all counts.

From what state?