Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

@Jeishree 3/27

Does anyone know of any correlation between acceptances from particular schools meaning the chances of Acceptance to Michigan is greater? My daughter has been accepted to several engineering programs but still deferred from Michigan. Just found out she got into Ohio State so wondering since they Are rivals maybe the standards are similar?? We are OOS from both states.

@Sk8ter. Congratulations on your daughterā€™s many acceptances.

Being accepted to OSU might not bode well for Michigan. ?.. Thereā€™s that severe rivalry thing going onā€¦ Lolā€¦

The fact is not sure if there is any correlations like that. The 2 schools are very different culturally and academically. Michiganā€™s LSA is 3.9 with 32-35 Act. So the general population at Michigan would be competitive Stats wise for OSU engineering as an example.

I have seen things like when kids get into Michigan they got rejected from Northwestern, WashU, Vanderbilt. Not sure why but hear that alot and vice versaā€¦ Nothing scientific.

Keep something in mindā€¦ It seems your daughter has some great options. Make sure sheā€™s excited about at least one of them. Historically this last wave has not been very kind but there are acceptances also.

Best of luck.

I think schools talk between each other

@Max2020. Possibly like 25 years agoā€¦ Do you really think a school like Michigan even has the time to compare students with other colleges with over 65 000 applications to go through? Just doesnā€™t seem likely or logical.

I think, and have heard, that when you get into the ā€œeliteā€ acceptance category there is a lot of ā€œnoiseā€ about who gets accepted. That is, there are an awful lot of kids with good stats to pick from. So the schools can either look for something beyond the stats, which even when it is purposeful in trying to fit the school, is still noisy, or just end up deferring some kids that would work well. I knew the head of admissions at a very prestigious Ivy league school and they once said they could have rejected everyone in their class and gone to the ā€œsecond setā€ with basically the same quality and group of students.

That includes U of M at under 25% and even lower rates at Northwestern, Vanderbilt and Wash U (they have lower acceptance rates, though Vanderbilt has lower freshman stats and Wash U/NOrthwestern are similar - just much smaller classes I guess for the number of applicants).

When you look at an OSU, that is close to 50%, or a Wisconsin, MSU etc. that get even higher, then kids with solid stats will likely get an offer.

Great educations at all those places. My current kid has Michigan as an option. Younger kids may not, but we are OK with that given the large number of great schools out there.

If your daughter ends up at OSU, she will have great opportunities.

How important is demonstrated interest to a school like u of m? I did a tour, had an interview, and contacted my admissions counselor. do things like that help during the application process?

Veryā€¦ But rigor and grades matter most. At this point itā€™s a numbers game. Too many people for to few spots. You did everything the right way. Good Luck

should i email my admissions counselor and ask if decisions will be delayed in light of all of this? will that be perceived as demonstrated interest or will it just be annoying?

Bothā€¦ Lol @enabennaā€¦ Why would they be delayed is the question. People are still working

@enabenna I would not send an email asking about that at this time. I am sure they are still working away, but this has to have created some additional burden to them. For example, if they often get readers together to discuss their different views (which some of their past posting suggests), then this will make it a little harder to coordinate as more are likely to be working remotely etc.
If they are already stretched, there is no reason to add to it and they might find that annoying.
Ask yourself what you would do with the info? If they say ā€œmaybe by a weekā€ would you do anything different? If not, then there is no sense is asking. If you do have a deadline to meet elsewhere, then I think it is fair to email, inform them and then see what they say. Particularly if your email says ā€œI would go to Michigan if it is an option, but need to get back to xxx by yyyyā€. But I canā€™t think of such a deadline.

Michigan states you will know by Early to Mid April. That is the only deadline that matters.

No they donā€™t. They have better things to do. Each good school goes through tens of thousand of applications. Can you imagine a system that would allow an exchange of information between even just two schools like that? Forget it. Schools donā€™t talk. Donā€™t assume there is a conspiracy. No one cares what happens at other schools.

Please elaborate on the difference in culture at U-M and Ohio State and Wisconsin if you can.

Wisconsin is a great school. Michiganā€™s students would be in the 75% percentile of Madison or the top 25 %of the school according to their current Act GPA scores. Again, Michigan is not a typical Public.

@whatamom Granted this is only my view from the college visits I have done, but, both Michigan and Wisconsin have similar student culture. Both are extremely passionate about their school and radiate school pride. I have visited UMich twice and been to a game in the Big House. Although I have visited Wisc just the one time, I can easily say that it has the same excitement among the students about wanting to be at that school/over all attitude. They both have that ā€œBig 10ā€ spirit if you know what I mean and the overall tone on both campuses feels happy. I would say that UMich felt a bit more interconnected between the students than Wisc. I honestly donā€™t know if that is the answer that you were looking for, but I help it hopes in some way or another!

Yes that helps. Trying to get a grasp on the different cultures of these 3 schools. All 3 midwest, large research, sports, grad programs, liberal slant and diverse. How does someone choose Ohio over Madison or vice versa or U-M if stronger academics are not the priority?

^^cost. Which is more affordable?

@whatamom There is a very big difference in price. Ohio gives a lot of OOS merit scholarships. Wisco doesnā€™t, but itā€™s costs are much lower than Michigan. I think that impacts a lot of people.

All these schools have school spirit, kids wear their garb all over and all have fun crowds at sports events. All have major research. That is basically any Big Ten School. The differences are deeper and whatā€™s more important in the details and not that superficial. If cost is a factor then go in that direction. Donā€™t go to any school you canā€™t cleanly afford.