Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

also, how many kids usually get waitlisted?

Class of 2022:
14,763 offered a place on waiting list
6,000 accepted place on waiting list (41%)
415 offered admission from waitlist (7%)

(I found these stats off of last years CC waitlist thread, so Iā€™m not sure how accurate they are)

Theyā€™re accurate, but last yearā€™s numbers.

Class of 2023:
12,527 offered a place on waiting list
4,932 accepted place on waiting list (39%)
89 offered admission from waitlist (2%)

I am betting with the uncertainty in the world that you might see a larger wait list. Many families are getting hurt by the virus financially. Going to be interesting on how this all pans out.

Thanks. Where are the numbers from UM, or your stats?

What time are we considering a decision drop friday?

@KSB2019 you can find all sorts of data on the Common Data Set for each college. Google ā€œUniversity of Michigan Common Data Set.ā€ You will find data on admit rate, middle 50% test scores for enrolled students, GPA, how many put on the WL, and so much more. Colleges are required to fill this out - although there are a few colleges that do not to this. Example: UChicago comes to mind! Hope this helps.

So just want to let everybody know decisions will be released very soon (even though most of you already know that lol.) A few months ago people were using the viewsource function to see the code behind the portal and I did as well. I bookmarked the page I got a few months ago to see if the code would ever change. I compared it every day, and today was the first day that the code changed. If anybody wants to drop their viewsource code so we can compare, feel free too. All you have to do is enter view-source:https:// before the enrollment connect link. (after you log in of course.) Good luck and if anybody finds out any hints through this, let me know! Thanks.

I see the bottom is all lined up now-decision, checklist, final transcript etc- you???

@zeke3318 I donā€™t see that. Are you talking about the portal or viewsource code part of the portal?

@zeke3318 @schmendy27 it said the webpage was invalid. Where are you supposed to do it?

The view source- at the bottom after the call center and hours -it is all lined up with decisionappselector, checklist button, final transcript, payment etc- that was all there before- i believe- but now its all lined up


My name is Kristina, and Iā€™m working on an article for The Michigan Daily. Iā€™m looking into how the COVID-19 outbreak is impacting prospective students, especially students who are deciding between UM and other schools, and who wished to tour the campus before all University events were cancelled.

If you are a student in this position and have thoughts/emotions to share, email me at!


@GallardoLP640 enter view-source:https:// before the enrollment connect link. (after you log in of course.)

Mine didnā€™t change oop

@schmendy27 what was changed or added on yours that makes it lined up?

@Max2020 I donā€™t know if it means anything but compared to February - it looks like collapseswitchapp, decisionappselector, checklistbutton, checklistmodalbody, finaltranscriptbutton, payment button etc is all lined up on the left side -one under the other - as before it was just random- that is the only change I see no red x etc

Admission decisions are probably not going to be out on Friday. My friend spoke to her admissions counselor through e-mail and she said expect decisions in Early April.

Any admissions counselor you talk to us going to say that because thatā€™s what they have on their website

When I click view source I have a final transcript button

@schmendy27 is it still under CDATA? In other words, is that info that is lined up in the CDATA section?