Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

so youare saying that if they do have the x they won’t get it? I thought in the early pool it was the opposite

@studiousstudent0 No, I am saying/guessing that it is a way to identify someone who may fall below a certain level in GPA/SAT/ACT, I said that they would then take a closer look before rendering a decision. The X before was for Final Transcript, which they ONLY require if accepted. Fall grades are different, in my opinion.

Serious question, in the list of line items, for those who submitted multiple SAT/ACT score sets, do you see each one listed w/date received??

My DD said hers has a date received in June, but no line that shows the test she sent in October with her best score in Verbal! So she is going to be reaching out to her counselor and admissions on Monday as that is a big deal!

This happened to my daughter, but different timeline. Her first set of scores were sent back in April and had a June received by Michigan date. The ACT didn’t send her scores from a different test date until November 11th (even though they were ordered in September), after the EA application. I spoke to her AO and he said since they weren’t received by the EA deadline they probably wouldn’t be considered with her EA application. She was deferred in EA and her application checklist still only shows the first set of test scores even though the applicant portal shows both sets of scores. I am doubtful they have or will be considering these scores during the RD review since they have never been listed in her checklist items.

You could call Michigan and should of called the college board in September. That is a long time to send them

Ok, scratch my earlier comment about missing test scores, she just got home and we looked at it together. She saved the “X” link which only shows one line for test scores, but I had her log into the “real” portal and under “Application” and “Your Received Test Scores” both scores show received.

Trust me, I had numerous conversations with the college board starting on October. My daughter was in communication with her AO, they said there was nothing they could do about it.

Did anyone ask AOs why someone has X next to Fall Transcript while some people don’t even have the fall transcript line in their checklists?

@FoxRulz, re: your post #159, what is your source on the fact that they use an algorithm for requesting Fall grades? Seems like we should have a pattern here but we don’t.

@Edisonian Apologies, I should have said I think they use an Algorithims as it just seems to make sense with today’s use of technology and I do believe that all applications are reviewed by real people. Also, I mentioned earlier that some lower stat students at my D school did not have the X neither did the highest stat student…so it is anyones guess at this point.

Took a peek at last year and there were many who were admitted from the EA Deferred round on 2/2 who stated they did not send in mid year grades. But last year there was a completely different system used.

Hi, In-state deferred applicant here. I had a question if I should send the first-semester transcript or not. My UW GPA was 3.81, W was 4.15. SAT: 1520, ACT: 33. I already sent the LOCI but my first semester grades this year are 4A’s and 2 B’s. Should I send my report? It would lower my overall GPA to a 3.79, however, would the absence of sending a transcript make it seem like I’m trying to hide bad grades? Also, 4A’s senior year first semester would be an improvement from junior year, so I’d be showing a positive grade trend at the cost of my overall GPA. Also to add, I’m in IB diploma and very difficult senior course load.

What do people mean when they have ratings like 7/10 for a recommendation letter how do you even see it?

For Deferred students, when do they get their decision back? Same as RD as now it’s moved to Regular Pool? Also, I know that Decisions come by April 1st but from the thread I see they have 3 different decision release date: Feb 1st, March 1st and April 1st. Is this true?

@Chameleon02 So in your portal there in not a comment asking for fall grades? Did you look at the message written under “review” it speaks of the postponement, “fall term grades ect”. I did not see it on a check list or anywhere else, but is definitely in that long message under “review”.

Regardless I would have your school get your fall semester grades there as soon as possible.

Yes, UMich has at least 3 “waves.” Also, potentially, a few students will be waitlisted and will have to wait even longer. The caveat here is that UMich is now using Enrollment Connect and not Wolverine Access, so the change in systems may or may not change what has happened in the past.

The student is giving their own opinion of their recommendation on a 10-point scale.

With so many applications everywhere, it is hard to keep track. Is the deadline for LOCI for deferred students January 15th or February 1?


It is by Feb 1st.

Hi. So this is what it says in messages for me in enrollment connect below postponed: “Your high school counselor should submit any new Fall-term grades that are available on your behalf through the Common Application/Coalition Application”. However, on the website, it said that it wasn’t mandatory to send first semester grades if deferred to Umich. The reason I was hesistating was because it may be slightly disadvantageous to my application by sending my first-semester grades (4 A’s and 2B’s). So should I still send with that in mind? Unless they also care about the rigor, in which it is very high.

@chameleon2 Do you have the X next to fall grades on your checklist? I would definitely send them if you have the X because they are probably waiting for them.