Class of 2025 admission thread

Hi all - my son applied Oct. 29th shortly before the EA deadline. Hoping to hear something by end of Nov or early Dec. Anybody heard anything yet?

We’ve been impressed by what we’ve seen of Creighton so far. Not able to visit the campus in person yet due to COVID but assuming he gets in we’ll go to one of the admitted student days (which are now posted BTW).

Any wisdom about the strength of Creighton’s undergrad business program compared with Gonzaga? Both seem solid.

Good luck everybody!

My son got into Creighton for nursing with a nice $24K per year merit scholarship. We also need to visit and haven’t yet as our trip was canceled due to COVID. They are so nice and friendly and as a parent I really appreciate the handwritten notes he has received from his admissions counselor.

Thinking about doing a road trip over winter break just to see the city and campus and walk around but COVID gives me pause as I have heard that Nebraska has been hit hard right now with the virus.

Daughter was accepted last week with 22k/ yr merit.

Our son was accepted into the Heider College of Business with 21K/yr merit, which we are excited about. We’ve signed up for an accepted students day in February, which hopefully will still be able to happen.

DD in EA for environmental science. We haven’t visited yet. 22k merit.

My son applied early October and recently got accepted into the Heider Business school. We are very excited and signed up for a Admitted Student visit in April. Can not wait to see the campus and Omaha.


Did a campus visit with our son in mid-February. The overall Creighton spiel was good, and the Heider College of Business presentation was great. The new Heider College of Business building is very impressive - feels like a bank or hotel more than a college building. It’s a nice campus, in a nice overall location in Omaha. My only regret is that it would have been nice to see it in the spring when it was warmer.

Hi everyone!
Does anyone know if Creighton’s merit scholarships go beyond 24-25k?
I received 25k/year in merit from Creighton, but a full-tuition scholarship from a liberal arts college in Connecticut, which would be very hard for me to turn down.