Class of 2025 Admissions Decisions

My portal is the same. I Wish you all the best of luck!

Hey! I applied back in September with a 31 Composite (32 SS) and 3.96 UW. I’m an in-state resident, and I believe that I have strong extracurriculars (Mayor’s youth court member, writing center student director, student council officer, lead actress in community theatre, hamilton county youth court advocate)! I hope we hear something soon. Good luck everyone!


Anxiously awaiting decisions, talked to my admissions rep today and was told we will probably hear the week of Dec. 14!!

That sounds to be fairly on track with other universities, @Icardova.

Wish that they would give us something more exact, especially regarding the more competitive programs - e.g. Architecture and Nursing.

I’ve heard some people say Mid February but the most recent I’ve heard is beginning of January…

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I’m hoping that I’ll be competitive enough that they’ll let me know sooner rather than later.

I don’t know if I can stand waiting another month :sweat:

I thought all EA applicants heard back by mid December?

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@2002sunshine for competitive programs they hear at a later date (like nursing, etc.) for that program. They can be admitted to the school during that EA date but will hear later about the specific program.

Do you have a source on the competitive program decisions coming out mid-February/beginning of January?

Just what I have heard from others who applied who have talked to their admissions rep. @BGraph

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UT_Admissions just posted on their Instagram story that some of the first EA students were admitted earlier today - by Chancellor Donde in-person, sadly, but admitted nonetheless.

Hopefully this means that we’ll start seeing decisions come out in the next few weeks.

I saw that too! I am really hoping they start releasing EA decisions… The waiting is killing me!


I seem to remember them accepting several students at last year’s Big Orange Preview, so, assuming a similar timeline, decisions for the rest of us should come out reasonably quickly.

You do have to wonder, though, how they decide who gets admitted first - I know that they choose from a pool of people visiting campus, but I can’t imagine that it’s simply a lottery selection.

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Update: the Chancellor admitted three more people in! Hopefully this means we will hear back soon the wait is driving me crazy!!!


I saw that too, hoping for the same thing! Fingers crossed!!!

Just checked my status portal and the “Competitive Scholarship Application” and “Volunteer Impact Academy” fields are back again. Anyone else??? Slate ID there but no net id

Yes same thing for my D21.

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Also on their instagram page they replied to a comment saying decisions start coming out next monday (week of the 14th)


Their exact quote on the Instagram response is: “Decisions go out the week of Dec. 14. The wait is almost over!” Hang in there and good luck to all!


Can anyone tell us what the Volunteer Impact Academy is? Also, we see the competitive scholarship link and the slate id but can’t seem to do anything with those at the moment? I am hoping next week will be a great week for my son as far as decisions!! Good luck to all!