Class of 2025 Admissions Decisions

good advice! Best of luck to your daughter

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Any idea on how long before the nursing decision comes out after acceptance?

Net ID and passwords are gone on the portal now.

same here.

yeah mines gone now too, maybe their portal glitched and accidentally showed???

They just posted on twitter that the release will happen at 7 pm tonight.

I just called admissions office and they also said each student’s portal would be updated by 7 PM tonight. Some of the competitive programs like nursing and architecture and engineering may be decided in a few weeks, in not now. The initial scholarship awards should also be updated on the students portal by 7. Good luck!


Just to confirm - the NetID + StudentID release was a glitch, right? Are they still on your portal, or have they been removed?

I’m so nervous rn. I don’t know if I can make it another 8 hours, lol

No longer visible in our portal. Hang in there!!!

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You are awesome! Thanks for doing that and posting what they shared with you.

I’ve got a low stats kid who applied as a reach school, but he would absolutely go. We’re OOS and visited last month. Plus, he’s been in touch with his admissions counselor. REALLY hoping they throw him a bone – a deferral would be welcome!


Oooo, the portal has totally changed and includes a countdown now!

@TheRents522 - good luck to your son!!! I have a good feeling for him :slight_smile:

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Still 7pm?? I wish they’d release earlier!

You have a countdown on your status portal?

Yeah, I don’t have a countdown lol

Yes, it is a huge banner at the top and says COUNTDOWN TO DECISION DAY! The entire format of the portal changed too - looks totally different now than it has.

Changed to countdown for my daughter as well!

No countdown for us…though we had a NETID earlier like some (but now no countdown or NETID)


I didn’t have a countdown but just logged out and logged back on and its there.