Class of 2025 MT Decisions

Has anyone heard from any schools yet? My D has only heard an acceptance from LIU-post and is dying to hear from her top schools.

Academically yes. Artistically no.

My D has been accepted at BOCO for MT, and The New School for Theatre. One more audition to go for UMich and some BA schools which won’t hear from until March.

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My D was accepted to Belmont MT in Dec, but still has 6 auditions to go (another 2 were in the last 2 weeks). No rejections yet, but not really expecting to hear anything from the other 8 until March. I assume most want to see all their options before offers go out, so we will assume that if she doesn’t receive a “no” she is still in the running!

none yet (artistically). for her schools i think it’s gonna be late feb at earliest and mostly march. fingers crossed we are getting close!!!

she must be over the moon about BOCO. is that a top choice for her?

Yes! Already picking out winter coats! :slight_smile:

are you in La? just noticed your name might mean that :)?

As acceptances from schools start (slowly right now) rolling in, please update the thread linked below. Thanks!

Yes! We are in LA!!