Class of 2025 Undergrad/Class of 2023 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@stringbird @musicmom98 I’m looking at Lawrence for my S22, did your kiddos audition in person? It’s just too hard to visit from Texas.

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There were no in person auditions this year but my daughter did a Zoom sample lesson with the viola professor while narrowing down to the schools she wanted to apply to. We had a complete stroke of luck in September and were able to secure a safe way to visit. Naturally, many of the buildings were restricted access to us as visitors. So for example, we were only able to enter the lobby of the conservatory itself. Our tour guide was great and painted a great picture of the day to day experience.


My D just had her audition with Frost a week ago. She is also a Soprano. If I hear anything I will be sure to update. We didn’t hear anything immediately after the audition, which, I don’t know if that means anything or not. There were a few schools that faculty reached out for lessons, to compliment or sent thank you cards…so idk if I should assume anything about those that didnt. I suppose it’s different everywhere. We’ve decided to go with the attitude that she will end up where she belongs and with a studio that wants her.

I’ve heard and believe I read in last years thread about students being pulled off the wait list, so that is always an option too.

Keep us updated.

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@Pl1277 Good luck! My daughter auditioned for Frost in December as a Soprano EA applicant. She was deferred & decided to enter the RD pool. So now we wait. They are saying decisions by April 1. The EA decisions were to be by end of January . They were posted the last Friday in January at end of day. So I’m guessing March 31st for RD.

Final audition and interview today with JSOM. He loved it and was not expecting that! He shared he played beautifully and the interview went very well. Very much enjoyed the faculty too!

So glad he left excited.

“You should hear from us no later than April 1”.

Now the real waiting begins !


@musicmom98 How wonderful to end on a high note! That’s gotta feel good. Nice to be pleasantly surprised by a school as well. Never bad to have another contender.

Jacobs is a great school on a beautiful campus! I was a little sad when my D chose another Midwestern school. :wink: Would have been happy to return to Bloomington and that lovely campus! Good luck with your wait. Jacobs was the very last school we heard from last year. They definitely made us wait til the bitter end!

You’ll never believe it @mom2amazingkids !

Jacobs called tonight because according to the oboe professor ,”we wanted to get ahead of admissions and let you know you are just what we are looking for! We hope you’ll join us this fall!!!


Wow! Wow! Wow! Now THAT’s the way to do it! What a relief to be done and to have such a quick response. Well done, JSoM, for recognizing talent and going after it! Congrats!

Wow! Congrats :clap: . They must have been so impressed!

We cannot believe it still. It helps him with this waiting and - they gave so much feedback it was wonderful. Blessings to he current and past teachers for things they have taught him that he was able to use/demonstrate in the audition and interview. I will say my son really is a person who likes community/personal connection so this was also an important and very wise move on JSOM’s part. Making that phone call on a Saturday evening made a big impression on my son.

Thanks all of you for celebrating with us


Hi everyone, I’ve been asked by a couple of parents whether we will have a music merit awards thread this year. I’m definitely curious about this aspect, so I’m happy to do a thread, but I cannot commit to putting as much effort into it as akapiratequeen put in for her excellent thread for the class of 2024. She did a lot of research on tuition, COA, and included broad information about merit from the schools’ websites said.

Quoting from last year’s thread: “The purpose is 1. to help families set expectations more realistically in terms of what is possible from each school, and 2. to help with negotiations after the offers come in.” I’ll just add that she was aiming to gather music merit only - no academic merit awards, no need based awards - as information is typically available elsewhere on those latter types of awards.

Is there anyone else who would be willing to take on this year’s thread for music merit awards?

Hello everyone! I was so happy to see this thread still going strong. Excited to catch up on all your Chickadees. I also wanted to offer myself as a resource on Eastman, where my s is a sophomore (!) double major in jazz performance and music education. Eastman is one of the few schools offering mostly in person instruction— it’s a tiny school so they’ve been able to keep things under control. Kids are starting to get vaccinated, too, so next term should be even better. Looking forward to hearing what you are all up to!


(Multiple edits because I posted something in the wrong thread! Also I can’t count.)

My daughter received the rejection we were expecting from Bard. She seems to have already moved on. In fact, I think we might be done here. She has picked a school but wants to speak with her teacher one more time before committing.

Here are our final results.

AppState, University of Arizona, Lawrence, St. Olaf, University of Tennessee

We’ll never know:

Bard, Oberlin

I’m very proud of her going from not being able to read alto clef last year, to five good college choices this year!


Congrats! Those are some great options! I think sometimes the rejections hurt us more than our kids. We are so protective of them. They are stronger and more resilient than we know. Prior to this process, I reminded my daughter that schools often take certain numbers of students for each voice part, instrument etc. and not to take decisions personal. They end up where they should be.

Out of curiosity, what’s the deal with FSU? No communication of any kind?


I think she worked her tail off and made great progress. She still has a ways to go and she knows it. But she’s on to the next step. It’s great to see all that hard work paying off! And yes, it also bums me when I see her hard work not quite paying off, in the form of an acceptance. But she takes it in stride.

On FSU: on decision day, FSU posted a message in my daughter’s portal saying they hadn’t received her audition materials. Of course they were there in the same portal their message was in, so I asked her to email admissions to clear that up. She responded that she would rather just withdraw her application. At that point she had realized that she preferred one of her acceptances over FSU. So we’ll never know what they would have said.

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Gotcha! My D is going through something similar with McGill regarding transcripts. Actually, we’ve had several issues with them not being able to view the audition material as well!

It sounds like she has worked hard! To go from not being able to read alto clef to many prestigious acceptances is really amazing. The fact that she already has a top choice is really good. With a month left, I think we feel more confused than ever!

Your daughter has a lot of great choices! I think she will end up in a good place!

My D’s UG teacher once told her (about auditions) that she sees lots of talent. But she “picks” the talent that she feels a connection with…their skill, their sound, their background. Then she feels that she’s a good fit as a teacher. She passes up a lot of talent but knows they’ll be accepted elsewhere…with a teacher that feels that connection to the musician and their journey. When my D asked why she invited her to her studio…her answer was…you reminded me of myself when I was young. It’s wasn’t…you were the best and most talented.

It’s hard not to think of a rejection as not “good enough”. Or to think the 10 accepted where better. I feel like anyone who gets past a pre-screen or gets a live audition is “good enough”…then it’s a matter of fit…with the school and a teacher. The rejections DO help you get to your right fit. I know that you know this @stringbird. Still it’s a good reminder (particularly for others that read these threads) bc rejections sting and can bring you down. I know bc my D got them as well…and 10 years later…it doesn’t matter.

And a big congrats to you and your D!


This is great perspective. Thanks @bridgenail!


Not just moving to alto clef. Didn’t she just make the switch from violin to viola in mid-high school, too? That’s a wonderful set of results. Where do you think she will go?