Class of 2025 Undergrad/Class of 2023 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

It’s OK to let your S struggle with the decision. It’s OK if it takes him until the last minute to decide. It’s OK if he doesn’t have a “reason” but just picks a school due to his gut. It’s OK if even after that…he wonders. May is for Buyer’s Remorse! They are both excellent programs…and in the end, I would guess, he will really like/love his program…even if it takes him awhile to get there. This type of “journey” to making a decision is common enough. Nothing wrong with that.


Either choice is top notch! My kids all took until the very end of the month to decide! No hurry and he is doing the right thing by being so thorough.


Here’s an article I found on here last year that helped tremendously. It’s about HOW to appeal. Very appropriate. A Parents’ Guide to Conservatory Auditions, Part 22: Appealing Financial Aid

Like some of you S21 is down to two choices, St. Olaf and Lawrence for a double degree in VP and Mathematics. Ironically St. Olaf was a last minute pick last Autumn. He wasn’t particularly interested because of the lack of conservatory and possible overly religious vibe (not the case we realize now). But the strong math and world-renowned music (conservatory or not) were reason enough for him to at least include it as a possibility. However that all changed during his initial interview with an Admissions officer. Honestly I didn’t think the interview was anything special but he came away with a very positive experience. I couldn’t put my finger on it but something clicked for him.

Fast forward to less than a week before decision day and St. Olaf is now his other top choice. Lawrence has been so incredibly supportive all the way through the experience. Partly because he applied EA to Lawrence they’ve been the most present. His other admits were Gettysburg, Bard, and Wooster. I’m really curious to know what his choice will be but I imagine he’ll wait till 11:59 pm on May 1st :crazy_face:


Does anyone have any knowledge they can share about the IU/JSOM waitlist. My DS is waitlisted and trying to find out the waitlist decision day for JSOM.

Here is the story…he was waitlisted on 4/1. JSOM admissions reached out to him a few days later to see if he might be interested in doing the BME instead of the BM performance. We thought this was a good sign that they were trying to get him in. He spoke with the head of the department and a current BME student. He responded to the head of the department and admissions that he would like to be considered, but then didn’t hear back from them. When he followed up the department head told him her studio was full. Not sure what that was about…maybe he did not show enough enthusiasm in BME, although he did research it and thought it might be a fit if he could not do BM Performance. I’m not sure if we should take that as a bad sign. At any rate, he’s still on the waitlist and we were told that there is a decision day for the waitlist (I assume that is 5/3, but I wonder if they will be calling/deciding on Saturday as final decisions come in) Anyone have any experience with this?

Just wanted to thank everyone for their support and words of wisdom over my daughters journey from high school Senior to college graduate and now on to a Masters in NYC to continue her studies in Voice Performance at her first choice school Mannes School of Music at the New School. She appealed her $15000 scholarship and received $3000 more so at least that was something! Plus the chance to apply for a grad assistant position in the Fall. Rent in NYC is down 30% at least for now so we can make this happen for her since she basically went to CU Boulder for free with the package they gave her for undergrad. Good luck, Break a Leg and Toi Toi Toi to all your talented kids!


@goldilockspryor , Congrats to your daughter and I hope she has an amazing experience at Mannes! I would love to hear more about the application and audition experiences of those applying for VP graduate school, as my son will be going through that in 2021-22. Feel free to pm me if you want.

Congrats on such a wonderful acceptance and the extra dollars. Grad school acceptances are always harder than UG. So you should be very proud of your D. Best wishes to her (and you) in the next phase. Only words of wisdom: it goes SUPER fast! One year getting in the groove of the program and then you’re working on what’s next…yet again. Still she’ll be a great city for “what’s next”!

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Thanks to everyone here for their help over the past little while. I came late to the CC game but learned a lot even in this short time.

S21 has committed to St. Olaf for a double degree in Vocal Performance and Mathematics. He received their Christiansen Scholarship, Presidential Scholarship and St. Olaf Grant as well as a few other grants making it feasible for him to attend. So very exciting. He was homeschooled from the beginning and his acceptance at St. Olaf is the culmination of a long and amazing journey. This past year was our most challenging, unlike any other of our homeschooling years, which have been filled with some pretty fabulous homeschool experiences, a great community, deep learning, long-standing friendships and so much creativity.

Just wow, I feel blessed to have been his teacher, he’s been a joy and delight and I must admit I’m shedding a tear or two as I contemplate his departure. But I’m also so excited for his new professors to have him as their student.