Class of 2026 hoping for Brown ED

Hi, I am a rising senior at a competitive public high school in the bay area who is interested in applying Early Decision to Brown hopefully next school year

Interested Major: Sociology/ Public Health

GPA: 3. 93 (UW)
ACT: 35


  • My school limits our APs and we cannot double up on sciences.
    AP CALC AB, AP Chem, AP Lang and Comp
    Next Year - AP Biology, AP Gov and Econ H, AP Stats

Honors Classes (my school does not have honors for most classes except math): Algebra 2 Trig Honors, Chem Honors, Pre-calc Honors, Spanish 4 Honors

Concurrent Enrollment Classes:
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
Physics A and B


  • Violin for 9 years - won 2 regional and state competitions
  • Concertmaster at California philharmonic youth orchestra Senior symphony - 3 years
  • Public Relations director for Paper Airplanes ( a club that raises awareness for the refugee crisis) - 2 years
  • Tutoring refugees through Paper Airplanes - 3 years
  • Started a nonprofit to introduce low-income BIPOC middle school students to STEM using a hands-on approach in the Bay Area (helps about 200 kids as of now). We also raise awareness about the racial achievement gap in the Bay Area and have started 2 clubs at local high schools (I am the president for the one at my school) to teach privileged teens about the education gap through our cultural competency course. The nonprofit has about 40 volunteers now.- 2 years
  • UCSF Lab intern - helps postdoc with Data Analysis and Project - 1 year
  • Stanford Lab Intern - project on mental health destigmitization in different demographics (will have published a paper on it by college Apps season) - 1 year
  • Bollywood Dance team member - 2 years
  • Studygram with some amount of following(lol)

What should I do in the summer before senior year other than continue my nonprofit and research to help my chances for Brown?

Thank you!

Hey! I’m also in the class of 2026 and planning on applying to Brown(not ED tho lol).
I love your extracurriculars, and you are so accomplished. Good luck! As long as you build a cohesive narrative, I think you have a strong chance:)

Thank you so much! Wish you all the best too!

You certainly look qualified, and besides brainstorming ideas for essays, I would enjoy your last summer in high school. At this point, any new involvement/awards would make a marginal difference at best (aside from a Nobel Prize) and I would focus on simply doing what you enjoy.

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Parent to D at Brown here, I recommend working on essays and ensuring your LORs are top-notch. At that level, essays, ECs, and LORs are what make or break an application (which I’m assuming you already know given what you’ve mentioned above). I recommend getting the letters from core teachers who you are sure will speak very highly of you (beyond a template, admissions officers can see right through those). You clearly have incredible stats, but don’t want to seem like you wore yourself out a few months before applications. Similarly, expanding your EC category and developing a strong personal statement (well ahead of time) is the best thing you can do right now. You’re in very good shape right now but it is by no means time to slow down! I wish you the best of luck next year!

2 posts were split to a new thread: Chance Me for Brown ED

" * Public Relations director for Paper Airplanes ( a club that raises awareness for the refugee crisis) - 2 years

  • Tutoring refugees through Paper Airplanes - 3 years"

Obviously a minor point, but as an interviewer who has read a lot of Brown applicant resumes, put quotes around Paper Airplanes: “Paper Airplanes”. They keep my brain from going in the wrong direction as I read that and then having to backtrack. That’s especially useful in an interviewing context, where I’m usually having to multitask – skimming the resume while the applicant is talking.

Beyond the above low-hanging fruit, order you EC’s (IMO) based more on relevance to your intended area of study rather than years spent. An AO might reasonably see “Paper Airplanes” and the internships as relevant to and demonstrating an interest in Soc/PH. Violin, not so much. I see one resume after another with “Level 10 violin” listed, and don’t give it much thought except in rare instances where it relates to the academic plan.

“(my school does not have honors for most classes except math)” Normally there will be in your Brown application file something from your HS guidance counselor stating whether you took the hardest level of courses available at your HS. That way Brown can account for differences in opportunity between say a rural HS and a big-city magnet school. In either case, of course, they want to see evidence of the applicant making the most of what was available… same as they would presumably do if at Brown.

As for your stats relative to applying ED, no reason not to if you are certain that’s where you want to go. Keep in mind that a lot of ED apps are deferred to RD – most of them, in fact, at least until recently. That said, almost everyone with good stats like yours, including many whose are stronger, are not admitted. Just how life goes in the single-digit admit rate world. I say this (to you or to pretty much anyone) because being realistic about it maybe mutes the disappointment a bit? But hey, they’ve got to let somebody in or the place shuts down, and all of the hard work you’ve been doing at least gives you a shot.

A post was split to a new thread: Brown Chance

Hi, has anyone gotten any email communication from Brown yet?

nothing… no emails.

Oh okay.
but i also find it weird that Brown has not been sending me the usual promotional emails (not related to admission results) that colleges usually send out to mailing lists… :thinking:

Don’t worry about it…

Lots of kids get into Brown having never received any marketing material just as many kids get rejected by U Chicago having gotten near daily encouragement to apply😀

It is indicative of nothing. Don’t let your nerves get to you!!


Agree here. I don’t think my son got any Brown material. He just went to a virtual session prior to applying.

You should’ve gotten an email confirming they got your app and that they will need info like mid year report, and I believe the first email giving you access to a portal should’ve also had a link for you to upload the optional 2-min video portfolio.


The only “official” communication we have consistently received is when tuition is due😀

I actually don’t even remember that! I just knew we had to pay and got approval from my son to access the bursar office :joy:. I’ll look for semester 2’s email, though!!

S19 was accepted to Brown ED1 three years ago. D22 (class of 2026) applied ED1 this year.
With 3 years of Brown exposure as parent of a student and two applicants, I can tell you that Brown is almost always quiet to a fault. Communication is very “relaxed”. Don’t expect to hear anything between application and decision.


Good luck to your daughter!! My daughter hopes to follow her brother to Brown, too!

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“The only “official” communication we have consistently received is when tuition is due”.

A form of that will continue in perpetuity, at least for your kid and starting toward the end of their senior year. When Brown rejiggers one of its (alumni) web pages, it seems like something often goes wrong… except that the GIVE NOW button always works : )


Anyone got the email that along the lines of ‘the checklist will no longer be available for viewing’