Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

I have already posted information about the Alumni Scholarship on the UCLA discussion thread but I will post it also here.

The shortlisting process appears to be based primarily on a) did you write an essay that stands out and gets noticed by your reader and b) your community service and similar ECs. Its different from the Regents scholarship which is based more on pure academic talent (and obviously relies on the original UC application for shortlisting).

The Alumni Association is independent of UCLA admissions. There is only a one way flow of information:

  1. UCLA admissions give the Alumni Association a list of some subset of applicants for the invitation email. Then the invitation is sent out and people apply for the Alumni scholarship.

  2. After UCLA admissions have announced their admission decisions, they give the Alumni Association a list of admitted students so they can screen out any scholarship applications from those who weren’t admitted before starting to read them.

The only time information goes the other way is when the Alumni Association tell financial aid about the awarded scholarships.

So there is no impact on the admission decision from any Alumni scholarship application. The fact that there may be correlation (depending on how selective UCLA admissions were in compiling the original list for the invitation email) is in no way causation.

Last year, there was a large increase in the # of Alumni scholarship invitees over previous years. Getting the invitation is not a guaranteed admission since many were not admitted that received the invite and on the flip side, not getting the invitation does not mean you will be admitted since some applicants did receive an acceptance.

If it’s the same as previous years then Alumni scholarship applicants were shortlisted in late March/early April, interviewed in the first week of April and then awards made before Bruin Day. There are some awards made later to runners up depending on how many of the original awardees don’t attend UCLA but I don’t believe there is any provision for interviewing additional candidates.


@Gumbymom, I’ve been checking this UC stats site (Information center | University of California) that I think you posted awhile ago. Do you have any idea when they might update with the Class of 2021 stats since I think that was the first year they went test optional for ACT and SAT’s?

Usually end of January/Beginning of February, the UCOP information should be updated. I am always checking to see if 2021 data has been posted.


Thank you for the info Gumbymom

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Thank you @Gumbymom

If this is the case, does that mean that the readers have gone through all applications already at the time of the Alumni scholarship invite? Deadline was November 30th and the invite goes out beginning of January. Is that possible?

I cannot give specifics. The information I posted is based on another Alumni scholarship reader whom posted the information last year. Also the UCLA Forum Champion @10s4life was an Alumni Scholarship reader so maybe they answer your question. I do know however that the UC’s start reviewing applications at the time of submission and all PIQ’s do get 2 reads. I do not know what the timeline is for reading and recommending applicants for the scholarship other than what I copied from the original poster last year.


There have been a few updates to the open house websites at the different UCs. As I find more information, I will continue to update this post: UC Open Houses 2022.

If anyone else finds additional info about dates, times and events, let me know and I will update the post.

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I have a quick question regarding admission to choice of major(s) at UC Davis. Does UC Davis considers the alternate major when it comes to admission decision in case the applicant does not qualify for his/her first choice major. DS22 has listed first choice as:
CS from college of L & S
And Alternate major as Data Science from the college of Engineering (new pgm to be started from fall 2022.

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UC Davis rarely considers alternate majors but it could be possible.

@Gumbymom , thank you so much for your reply. Also, does UC Davis admit by major or to the college?

it is a bit weird that the UCs/CSUs have an option to specify second choice major and we have to then wonder if it is considered or not.

For UC Davis:

  • College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences admits by college
  • College of Biological Sciences admits by college
  • College of Letters and Science admits by college
    (Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies; Mathematics and Physical Sciences; Social Sciences)
  • College of Engineering admits by academic department

CS is a basically an Engineering major but housed in the College of Letters and Sciences and with past years, I would say that CS admits were admitted based on academic department more than by College.

UCLA does not consider an alternate major but they still allow an alternate major to be listed on the application. This is also true for many of the CSU’s. I guess it gives them some flexibility if they have an applicant they want but cannot accommodate in their first choice major. There are always rare exceptions.


@Gumbymom , thank you for the clarification.

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Do we have to send mid-year reports to CSU and UC?

No, they do not consider Mid-year transcripts.


I want to clarify my response about Mid-year reports/transcripts. The UC’s can ask for a supplemental review on some applicants which could include submitting Mid-year reports and also some CSU’s will ask for Mid-year reports for further application review, but routinely they are not sent unless requested.


CA kids high stats are getting waitlisted / deferred from OOS schools because those states are prioritizing their kids. Heard UCs are going to accept more kids this year from CA, but really frustrating be a CA resident


They probably think with so many good options for high stats CA kids in state , chances are yields from CA are low for those unis. For an in state CA kid in range for any of the top UC campuses it would take a lot to lure them elsewhere…I love my cost of living here in WI, but this process is the one time I wish I lived in CA for the sake of my hard working daughter :slight_smile: