Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

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@lkg4answers and @Gumbymom - I will have my daughter look into it.

Good suggestions. Thanks.

Thank you! That is super helpful!

I really think it is a big black box how the UCs treat OOC students w/non-approved UC Honors classes. My son’s school only offers “school honors” classes, they don’t start until 11th grade, and does not offer APs. A bit frustrating but nothing we can do. Anyone have thoughts on this?

Certified honors courses don’t apply to OOS students so all are on the same playing field. Only AP, IB etc. They look at what’s available at each school. See discussion up thread.

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Not all CA HS Honors classes are UC approved for the extra weighting. Some examples at my son’s HS include Honors Biology, Honors English 10, Honors Algebra2.

UC’s are funded by California tax payers so as a CA resident, CA students should get priority.

I agree that all OOS students are on equal footing since the UC’s do not give extra weighting to the OOS Honors courses. Also OOS students are evaluated in a different application pool than in-state and are evaluated in the context of what their HS offers.

No one is telling OOS students to apply to the UC’s so that is a personal decision and thus the applicant needs to deal with the limitations.


Correct. In our case we moved to California the summer before the junior year. We have to play the two camps

Thank you. I certainly understand that CA students get priority. It is good to know that OOS students are evaluated in a different applicant pool. I don’t think there are any published “stats” on OOS admitted GPAs, but I suppose the UCs have no reason to compile that. Unweighted GPAs would actually be the most useful, if they ever did publish those. Thank you for all your help.

There is oos GPA data on the UC info center, I’m pretty sure. For instance, here’s applied and admitted GPA by each oos high school for Berkeley.

These are of course the capped and weighted GPA #s.


Yes, the UC Info Center has a lot of individual high school info. The students admitted from our local OOS high school all had weighted and capped GPAs of at least 4.23 in recent years.

Up until 2019, UCLA would post the applicant and admit GPA’s for in-state, OOS and Internationals. UCLA uses the unweighted and fully weighted UC GPA in their stats.

Here is a link to the 2019 information:

2020 and 2021 GPA data is not broken out by in-state, OOS and International so it should be interesting to see if 2022 admission data will have the breakdown or not?

UCOP Infocenter will breakout Freshman admit rates by Other (OOS/International) applicants vs. In-state by HS GPA (Capped weighted UC GPA). Most recent data is 2020.

Interesting data, thanks for pointing to it. Though somewhat disheartening that my daughter’s school does not show up systemwide anywhere :frowning:

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Yes. My kid’s high school only showed up in 2017.

Wow. I had no idea this stuff was out there. Great! More things for me to obsess about! :joy: Have a great day everyone.


If there are fewer than 5 applicants from a school, they don’t show the data to protect the identity of individuals — it doesn’t mean there weren’t any.


I have actually found my son’s OOS school with admitted GPAs that must be unweighted, as they are in the 3.7 to 3.95 range. So now I have a small amount of hope! :slight_smile: I :heart: data!

The GPA in that site is weighted and capped. Don’t believe they are unweighted. The systemwide GPAs will be low. Also there is no major specific data cut which makes it hard to interpret.

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What do you mean by capped? Also, when I look at my son’s school-specific admitted GPAs, I do think they are unweighted, because there are no AP classes at his school and there would be no extra points given for internal school honor classes. I just don’t know how many “electives” count toward the GPA. Is that what you mean by capped?

UC’s only use 10-11th grades from the UC a-g course requirements for their GPA calculation. Only AP/IB or DE courses taken during this time will get an extra 1 point in the calculation which is capped at 8 semesters of these eligible classes for OOS applicants.

Here is the UC GPA calculator: GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub

It calculates the Unweighted UC GPA, Capped Weighted and Fully Weighted UC GPA’s.

To the best of my ability, my son’s unweighted/weighted/capped GPA are all the same number. The school offers no AP or IB honors, just “internal school” honors.

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