Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

So the GPA range you posted is probably correct since there are no AP classes to be weighted in the calculation. Again, applicants are evaluated within the context of what is offered at their HS.

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In that case calculate GPA using 10-11 letter grades and compare to your schools benchmark.

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I have a question on UC GPA.

Does UC calculate any A-G course taken outside High School ? Are the course taken from UC Berkeley ATDP counted to UC GPA?? How about any course took in community college?
Appreciate if you could explain this part

Any a-g course taken outside of your HS or at a community college that is UC transferable and taken the summer prior to 10th through the summer prior to 12th would be included in the UC GPA calculation.

From the UCB ADTP program:

Graded courses will also be listed on the student’s Cumulative Educational Record. This document acts similarly to a transcript, and shows the final grade and any a-g subject requirement met for each course. If requested, you can submit this record to the University of California for the purposes of college entrance requirements.

You will have submit a CC transcript and also the ADTP transcript once you are admitted and decide to enroll.

Yes, I just checked my daughter’s ATDP transcript. Its a graded course, college preparatory Elective (G)- UC Honors designated & 5 units.
will this be counted? My daughter took 2 such courses in 10th summer.

Thanks for your time

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Yes they will be counted in the UC GPA calculation.

Received an e-mail from UCSB saying that decisions will be issued in mid-March. Is that the same for all UCs?

Here was the timeline for 2021 admission decisions and each campus has a different timeline when they post their decisions. Some will notify applicants of a specific date and some will not.

2021 decisions;
UCB: Last year, Early admits were Feb 10, 2021 and Regular Decision was March 25.

UCLA: 3rd Friday of March. Last year it was March 19.

UCSD: Last year, March 19

UCSB: Last year, March 16

UCD: Last year, March 18

UCI: Early CHP/Regents last year was March 5. Regular decisions in waves March 12.

UCSC: Last year rolling waves Feb 22-March 20

UCR: Last year rolling decisions starting March 1

UCM: Last year rolling decisions starting March 2.

As the UC’s start posting decision dates, myself or @lkg4answers will update each specific UC forum with the information.


Thanks for this historical timeline! For UCB, what types of admits were Feb 10? Are those just the Regents and perhaps recruited athletes? Thanks!

sounds right @Kristen2 COE too. Possibly that Mgmt, Entrepreneurship tech deal as well.

The UCB Feb admits are the Regents scholarship invites, some GMP, MET and High stat applicants. The majority of decisions will be posted at the end of March.

Can those who apply L&S get regents scholarships or can only CoE get it?

All applicants are considered for Regents.

Alright, and for Berkeley, those who get LOR’s requests aren’t less or more likely to get regents correct?

LOR’s are just a way for UCB to find out more about an applicant before making a decision. Getting a request does not guarantee admission nor Regents.

Cool, thanks. Appreciate all the help. Regents likely coming out this week, I believe.

Based on past year’s decisions, yes the UCB early admits could be coming out this week.

Is this mostly for instate applicants?

The majority of applicants are in-state but it can also include OOS and International applicants.

i think the UC admission by source school page got updated to include last years stats.