Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

Yes this is exactly the info I remember seeing when it was “too late” for my kid. I think in her case maybe treating them like mini-essays helped put voice in the foreground (along with content). Increased authenticity or whatever they call it these days (when the reader feels like they are getting to know the person as an individual). She certainly didn’t do introduction-body-conclusion or anything like that. Very conversational. But using form/structure to enhance function rather than just a monolithic paragraph word-drop. Thanks for posting the source info!

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S22 has all A’s this semester except for one D. Our school allows seniors to take one class pass/fail so he’d like to use this allowance on his class with the D. Would he lose his UC offers if they see a pass grade instead of a letter grade for one class? He was accepted as a humanities majors at UCD, UCI and UCSD and this class is AP Statistics, his one math class this year.

Is a D considered passing at his HS? Getting one C will not be a reason for rescinding, but a D will be an issue. The UC’s have encouraged all applicants to take courses for letter grades but one P/NP grade may not be issue but might require an explanation.

Yes, a D is considered a passing grade.

You might want to email UC admissions about your question. If it is a choice between a D or Pass, then definitely I would take the Pass.


It looks like UCSD has a “contract” that they want students to accept and it outlines what grades are needed to maintain their acceptance. I have to go back and read it, but I believe it says nothing lower than a “C” in a-g classes.

I think Davis also outlined the same, but I need to go back and check.

@Evie800 Here is some of the info I copied/pasted:


*Your admission to UC San Diego is conditional.

By accepting your Offer of Admission, you agree to satisfy the provisions listed below. Failure to satisfy these provisions may result in cancellation of your Offer of Admission.


  • Your senior year weighted grade point average (GPA) in all UC-approved “a-g” college preparatory courses must be at least 3.00.
  • You must receive a “C” or better in all UC-approved “a-g” college preparatory courses taken in your senior year.
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All UC’s have a provisional admission contract spelling out what is needed to maintain your admission.

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@citymom1 and @Gumbymom I really appreciate you clarifying this!

S22 is in full-on panic right now but has put his head down and is studying hard. He has 2 months to pull up his grade so fingers crossed this won’t end up being a problem. I think he just became lax when he decided he could use his pass/fail for this class, not realizing it actually mattered and he needed to have a grade. It is an a-g course.

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Glad to be of any help! He can do it - just needs to buckle down! Wishing him all the best!


Apologies in advance because I’m sure this has been addressed somewhere, but does it “help” anyone (i.e. “move the waitlist”) if my student goes into the portals and declines acceptances at UCs sooner than later?


Not really since all schools admit more applicants than available spots so it probably will not help until after the SIR deadline. If you have eliminated some schools from the list, there is no reason to not to decline the acceptances now to eventually free up a spot.


Thank you!

Wondering where all the other California kids go to school? Seeing all these 4.0/4.8 gpa, 1500+ SAT people being deferred or rejected is mind boggling. How about students with 3.7 or 3.3? Where do they go? Craziness


Many students in the 3.0-3.7 range will either attend their local Cal state or community college and transfer to a CSU or UC. There are also several private universities in California which will accept good students such as Whittier College, La Verne University, University of Redlands, Concordia University etc…

Some of my son’s friends have gone OOS to Northern Arizona, Arizona State, University of Nevada, Reno and Las Vegas. If you check out this discussion thread, you will see plenty of options for these students: Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4


My 3.something student has been accepted several out-of-state universities and will likely go to one that has WUE tuition, making it more affordable than a UC.


I posted this in another thread but it might give some perspective to those on this thread as well.

LA Times article about UC admissions last year.


Yes!! My s22 has been waitlisted at UCLA, UCSD, UCI and UCSC and we would certainly appreciate if a student knows they aren’t going to attend a particular UC to decline. He very much wants to attend a UC and doesn’t want to have to go out of state (and we don’t want ot have to send him out-of-state!). Thank you for asking!!


At this point I would say take your time. Teenagers can change their mind based on where there friends go and such. No need to decline before May 1 unless you are 100% sure.


Thanks! He’s going to decline the colleges he’s completely ruled out but not those that would still be in the mix if something unexpected happened between now and May.