Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

Priority is given to CC transfers over UC to UC and CSU to UC transfers.

UC to UC transfers are definitely possible, but for some students it is harder to get a competitive GPA at a UC vs. a CC.

Also there is no specific articulation agreement regarding courses between the UC’s vs. the CC’s since only lists CC courses. There is however, GE reciprocity where GE’s completed at one UC with the reciprocity letter will be accepted at another UC for completion of the GE’s.

If a student is interested in transferring, then checking the UC Transfer GPA by major and campus will help gauge a students chances along with target GPA’s for each major. This data is compiled from CC to UC transfers.

I have nothing to compare this to, and looking at the last couple of years - it’s hard to make any comparison given the pandemic.

Is anyone surprised by the seemingly low numbers for waitlist movement from the UC’s - here in mid-May? It seems like the general consensus was “UC’s were conservative, there will be big waves from the waitlists” – but now it is appearing to be more like little trickles.



I agree. I was expecting more movement from the waitlists. Fortunately, my daughter was accepted to UCSC and is looking forward to attending this fall. At this point, I’m just watching the waitlist activity out of curiosity.


Thinking the same… daughter got a sorry letter from UDub stating “we are closing the WL for OOS & Int’l waitlisted applicants” yesterday but nothing from the 2 UCs (UCSD & UCSC) that she accepted a spot on the waitlist at. She is so invested at UCDavis that I am pretty sure she wouldn’t change but it would still be nice to turn them down and get closure lol.

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Same! My daughter is also waitlisted at SDSU (and UCSC & UCSD) and has heard nothing yet from there either. She doesn’t care as she loves Davis but I am definitely curious!

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We are thrilled with the acceptance at Davis, but I am still watching the waitlist activity here out of curiosity. Mainly because this whole process has been CRAZY and fascinating at the same time (as well as heartbreaking – so many ups and downs). I am shocked though – I truly thought there would be much more movement.

We would have entertained an offer at UCSB or Cal Poly SLO – but we also had acceptance at UC Merced that we were knee deep in at the time that UCD came through. I don’t know that he would have left UCM for those – it would have been hard. They are much further away from us. It’s a little sad that he will not be attending Merced - I wish more people were open to it, it’s a true gem and being there right now would have offered a lot of really interesting gains – but Davis was always one of the top choices, it’s closer to home, and great for his major. We’re committed! :blue_heart: :yellow_heart: And I’m glad the rollercoaster is over.


This whole process has been a rude awakening for me. When I applied for college in the late 1980s, I was accepted to every school I applied to (including UCLA, UCSD, UCI and UCSB). I never worried about getting in and neither did any of my friends. It has been shocking to see how difficult it has become for our kids to get into college in California despite having stellar grades and test scores (which are no longer considered).

I have to go through this again with my son in 3 years and it will likely be even more difficult for him to get in because there will be more kids applying (he was born in 2007). Not looking forward to it.

Thank you for posting the UC Merced review. I had my son read it. My daughter would not consider going to a school that was not near the beach (we live in a beach community in Southern California). My son, however, is not as heat sensitive. I plan to take him on a formal tour of UCM in the next couple of years. We visited in late 2020 when the campus was closed so my kids really didn’t get a sense of what it has to offer.

Congrats to your son. I hope he enjoys Davis!


Rude awakening is right! Watching all of these kids get waitlisted and rejected has been so shocking. I honestly thought UCLA and/or Berkeley wasn’t a ‘reach’ for us – I certainly didn’t consider it a safety, but … I really don’t know what I thought. But it wasn’t this!

Thank you for having an open mind about Merced. I will not ever stop talking positively about it. The afternoon we spent there for Bobcat Day was priceless and it’s only going to get stronger in the coming years.

What a weird, weird time.


@JenBar have you popped in on the Parents of 2023 and 2024 threads to share your son’s journey (including his late application to Cal Poly Humboldt)? It might be helpful for those parents to read.


Oh! I hadn’t considered this. Where do you suggest? I also hadn’t considered that there are parents already preparing for the fall application cycle :woman_facepalming: I guess this is why I was so ill prepared for this madness haha!

My guess is that since all the campuses were so conservative, many kids accepted whatever was offered to them because they didn’t have many choices, and yield ended up being higher than expected. Thus - very little waitlist activity. The less competitive campuses - Riverside and Santa Cruz - haven’t gone to their waitlists AT ALL - highly unusual. My hunch is that tons of kids who would normally have gotten in to UCSB, UCSD, etc, only had UCSC or UCR to choose from and picked them. Normally those campuses are heavily using their waitlists early and often, but they might have an unexpected yield on their hands. If the other campuses don’t heavily use their waitlist, I don’t know that we will see UCR or UCSC go to theirs.


Parents of Class of 2023

Parents of Class of 2024