Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

My daughter applied to UCs yesterday. For the alternate major she has chosen EE for CS major and for UCSD it’s Math+CS as major and EE as alternate. Based on the description it looks like, its better for the alternate major to be an uncapped major. Any idea UCs will allow applicants to change their major choices before the deadline?

Question -How to calculate UC capped GPA? Also, What is the difference between weighted and capped gpa?

UC’s use 3 GPA’s during their application review for a-g courses taken 10-11th grades. UC approved Honors courses (CA HS students only), AP, IB or UC transferable DE courses are given 1 extra honors point/semester.

UC Capped weighted has a limit on the weighted courses which is 8 semesters taken 10-11th grade and a maximum limit of 4 taken 10th grade.

Fully weighted (Weighted) is an unlimited # of weighted courses taken 10-11th grades.

Here is the RogerHub UC GPA calculator: GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub

Enter in the # of A’s, B’s, C’s from 10-11th a-g courses. You can select semester, quarter, trimester or year long course options.

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You can email UC Admissions or try logging into the UC application to change majors.
Some campuses will not consider alternate majors at all like UCLA and UCB.

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Looks like Math+CS is uncapped. One of the two choices is uncapped. Does the alternate major being capped still matter if the first choice is uncapped?

Math+CS is capped according to UCSD.

Thank you for sharing this info!

Thanks. If you have checked with ucsd maybe the website may not be up to date. I just checked here and did not see it capped.


If selecting a capped major as first choice the alternate major should be uncapped. The other way around would either result in accepted to first choice uncapped major, acceptance to Undeclared or a Waitlist/Rejection.

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They showed it as capped when I attended their info session. If what’s shown in website is updated then my D’s choice is fine. Thanks for sharing the link.

Are there any capped vs un-capped majors for UC Davis as well?

UC Davis has Selective majors:
Managerial Economics
Viticulture and Enology
Pre-Landscape Architecture
Applied Math
Applied Physics
Computer Science
Pharmaceutical Chemistry

All Majors in the College of Biological Sciences
All Majors in the College of Engineering

Applicants are encouraged to list an alternate major, but not in the
same area as the primary major (e.g., Computer Science Engineering with alternate Computer Science in the College of L&S). Occasionally, UCD will admit to the alternate major.


Thanks so much @Gumbymom , one more quick question. My d22 has all 4 years of Competitive Forensics (Speech and Debate) as a class, Can we add it to the UC course list? I am not sure if it comes under the Academic course because it is not an A-G class.

If it is not an a-g course, then it can be added to the Coursework Other than A-G section.

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It looks like UCSD Math majors are no longer capped as of 5/24/2021 :slight_smile:

For campuses that consider alternate majors, my D is listing Computer Science as her first choice. Is it better for her to list Undecided/Undeclared as her alternate majors, or pick another un-capped/non-selective major instead? She’s truly undecided but wasn’t sure it’s okay to put Undecided as an alternate. Thanks!

Undeclared is fine as an alternate major however if she changes her mind and wants to pursue another competitive, it may difficult to impossible to switch later.

Thanks @Gumbymom . That’s a real possibility she’d eventually want to switch to another competitive major.

Do you think it’s better to look at her other majors of interest, and pick the next competitive one as the alternate, even if it’s also impacted? Or not since that’s risking not getting into the campus at all?

I thought I read before that UCSD admits to the campus and might admit students as Undeclared if they don’t get their first or alternate choice? I don’t remember where I read that or if it applies to any other campuses? Thanks!

Yes, UCSD admits into the campus first and then into a major so not selecting an alternate major could end up as Undeclared. This is also true for UCI.

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What are my chances? Applied to Davis, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, Irvine, and San Diego. OOS (East Coast). 3.9 UW, 4.39 weighted. 6 APs - US History, Art History, Lang & Comp, Lit, World History, Env’l Science. Two varsity sports. NHS. Several clubs, inc. Pres. of one. Lots of volunteer work. Part-time job two years. Undecided major (maybe social sciences or education). Essays focused on community service. (FYI - older sister accepted at UCD & UCSD with similar stats but 1540 SAT, rejected at UCB; went elsewhere due to significant merit $$$.) TIA!