Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

Thank you for your help. I’m settling in to watch 45 minutes of this video, I hope to find answers to my questions there.

UCSB has several good videos on the UC application process. Make sure to get that application by tomorrow if possible. It has not been unheard of for the server to crash on applicants submitting last minute.


Quick question about “courses in a language other than English in 7th or 8th grade”…

For my daughter’s Spanish classes, should she report the 7th grade class as “Yr 1 Lang Other Than English” and 8th grade as “Yr 2 Lang Other Than English”? She is also reporting 4 years of Spanish in High School which she has categorized from “Yr 1” (Freshman year) to “Yr 4+” (Senior year) so she’s unsure about re-using the “Yr 1” and “Yr 2” categories for 7th and 8th grade Spanish.

Any advise would be high appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Are the Spanish classes in Middle school a repeat since the way you have them listed, it seems Level 1&2 appear to be repeats of the HS levels?

If she has 4 years at the HS, I would leave off the Middle school language classes. No transcript is required from the Middle school so it will not make a difference and might add to the confusion.

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Thanks @Gumbymom. No, they are not repeats. She took higher level Spanish in high school - Yr 2 to Yr 4 between Freshman to Junior Year (I misstated them as Yr 1 to Yr 3 above) followed by a customized advanced class in senior year which she’s labelled as “Yr 4+”. So maybe, just enter the 8th grade Spanish class as “Yr 1” and leave out 7th grade Spanish?

Thanks again.

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Yes leave out 7th grade Spanish. UC’s need two years of FL ( three years recommended)

FromUC Website

Minimum Foreign Language Eligibility Requirement for Entering a Four-Year College (UC and CSU): Two years required , three years recommended, of the same language with a grade of “C” or higher

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They are asking for non a-g courses to be listed here. Her TA is at school though (as a coursework). We checked with her counselor she indeed asked her to remove a dual credit course and to put TA in “other coursework”

@advitha @idmitham: Depending upon whom you talk with, you will get different answers on where to put TA. Some say non a-g coursework like PE/Health, some say EC or Volunteer and some will say put in the UC comment section. The UC’s are pretty flexible when it comes to how you categorize your Activities/Awards and Non A-G courses so there is really no wrong answer except if you list in the A-G course section.

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Thank you so much @advitha @Gumbymom. Really appreciate your reply.

Question regarding a-g grade for 12th grade. My daughter submitted the application last week. But now realized that for 2 subjects they were only one semester and by mistake she put both G1 and G2 as in progress. Can she reach out to the admissions and let them know this mistake or there a way to correct that on the application?

If there are changes to your academic record:

If there are changes to your academic record after you submit your application, you might need to notify the campuses to which you’ve applied.

  • If you change schools or add or drop a course after you submit your application, you should notify all the campuses you applied to except for UC Berkeley or UC Santa Barbara.

  • If you failed to earn a C or better in a course after you submit your application, you should notify all the campuses you applied to except for UC Berkeley.

  • If you receive an offer of admission, be sure to confirm with the campus admission office that they are aware of any deficient grades or schedule changes.

Keep in mind: We cannot guarantee that a campus can go back to review an application after correspondence has been received. Make sure to save a copy of your correspondence just in case.

Campus instructions & websites for reporting changes:

  • Berkeley will not accept post-submission updates. Any updates that are sent will not be considered in the application reading process.
  • Davis
  • Irvine
  • Merced - click on “myCourseUpdate” link
  • UCLA
  • Riverside
  • San Diego - Updates accepted starting in mid-December. Please wait until you receive your Applicant Portal login instructions.
  • Santa Barbara will not accept post-submission updates. Any updates that are sent to our office will not be considered in the application reading process.
  • Santa Cruz
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Thanks for the information.

Do you know why these 2 colleges won’t accept any updates? Just curious.

UCB and UCSB changed their policy about updates I believe 2 years ago but not sure why.

D22 did some community college courses, when is the right time to send the college transcripts to UCs? Do we need to send to each college or is one of the UC is enough?

You submit the community college transcripts once the student is admitted and enrolled. July 15th, 2022 is usually the deadline for HS and college transcripts.


So my kid applied to four UC campuses the first week of November and received a confirmation of application listing all four schools.

But only one of the four schools has sent an email with portal info. I am guessing the others are all waiting until after the November 30 deadline. Any reason to be concerned that it has been three weeks with no emails to set up portals?

Other schools (not UC schools) have sent those within a few days.

Each UC campus has a different timeline for when they will email with portal setup information. Most campuses will send information in December.

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My kid took an online summer course after 11th grade in economics for graduation requirement. It is listed on our transcript as a summer course. How do we input this in the Courses Taken? Can’t find Economics in the options listed.

If it is an approved a-g course for the on-line provider, it should be listed on the link below:

If not, then you will need to add it manually.

We are OOS. The closest it comes on A-G Course list for College Prep Elective is Elective-History/Social Science. Does that sound like a right classification? Will mention economics in course name and make a note in Additional information that it’s is a summer course. Doing it right?