Class of 2026 Undergrad/Class of 2024 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Yes a mixed bag for sure! Best of luck to your daughter! I guess it would be one thing if his instrument was at 400 level, but it’s not, and hoping it won’t wreck an otherwise great fit.

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Anybody know anything about NC School of the Arts Fletcher Opera Institute graduate voice program? DD auditioning there, I don’t know much about it beyond the website. She is also auditioning at Julliard, Eastman, a few others.


All I know is that it is a tough admit, but very well regarded. Congrats to your D for getting an audition!


@Doransa, I do agree that’s how it should be. I feel silly that I never noticed that with the choice of 100 level instrument study at Jacobs, there is no instrument audition required. I guess I saw that the 400 level study was recommended and we just went with it since she was qualified. One thing she did not like about Jacobs was that they require voice or instrument study each semester. Who has time for that on top of all the other requirements?

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“Who has time for that on top of all the other requirements?”

In a nutshell, you have summed up a BM. For those parents not aware, this is a very time consuming course of study. I was a chemistry major and thought I was busy with all the lab requirements. It was a walk in the park compared to the time commitment D invested (and continues to invest) in her music. She would not have it any other way, though. Loves her path and hoping your D will as well.


What is level 100 and level 400?

100 introductory/beginner - 400 advanced

Of course composers do not necessarily need to do a BM at all. In the long run courses, in art history, history, literature/poetry, psychology and just about any area of study or electives can contribute to composing over a lifetime. For grad school, you need 3-4 good pieces, which can be accomplished in many BA programs as well as summer programs.

A BM for composition is of course best for those who want the immersion in music (and yes the intensity) of that program, but composers can go on to do fine in grad school with a BA. I just like to insert this comment for future readers!


I had many silly moments when my D was applying to college. At her first visit with a music professor (which I sat in on…I must have looked like a nut), the teacher hinted that she’d love to hear my D’s voice. We never asked for a lesson (didn’t know to…just a “meeting”) so I think that she was giving my D an in or out…in case she wasn’t prepared to sing. At the time, I thought “oh we would never be so gauche as to show her voice off at a meeting”. Silly me…that was the purpose of meeting a professor. Oh well, live and learn.

I will say this about your comment: all the good, bad, indifferent experiences will point you in the right direction. A school can be a great music school and still not be a great fit for your kid.

When people start this process, they tend to focus on a few big names. However, along the way, you discover all the nuances, personalities, processes that may excite you, annoy you or leave you indifferent…while other kids feel completely different about their experience.

So it is gut instinct time…along with a deep dive into curriulum and ensembles and teachers…as well as the general school enviroment.

Good luck!


I remember 400 and 100 level instrument study was confusing and yes they suggest 400 level. I remember calling them to ask. I am glad he did the 100 level because 400 was too much at that time. Music applications, interviews are very time consuming + stressful. I remember at some point we had an excel with different tabs for each school.
And Yes, my son is in CIM and he takes keyboard each semester. It is busy for sure.


Good point, @compmom! My dd is debating whether to go with the BM or the Bachelor of Musical Arts which allows an emphasis outside music and fewer music credits for graduation.

Thank you, @bridgenail! I feel a little better about missing that! Since she was accepted ED to Blair, she did not end up having to do the Jacobs audition and hopefully Blair will be the right fit! So far, it seems like a very welcoming environment and just the right size for her.

@Doransa, I definitely think 400 level piano study would be too much on top of the composition curriculum. It’s not so bad to “just” take a keyboard class. I’m glad your son is doing well at CIM!

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Oberlin’s Bachelor of Musical Arts is relatively new (they didn’t have it when my kid was applying) and is a great solution for many, composers as well as instrumentalists. They have access to teachers, performance opportunities and other resources of the Conservatory while being able to have more courses outside of music- as you know of course!

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@compmom, she’s actually going to Blair (not Oberlin). We did communicate a while back when you provided valuable advice before her interview with them.


Congratulations! Wonderful school!

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Yes you are right. I would be too much.

Is this a good place to report that my son, who is FINALLY, after several bumps in the road (a serious overuse injury and then, of course, good ole Covid) finishing up his Bachelor’s at Berklee in Composition/Film-Scoring this year, received an acceptance letter from NYU Steinhardt today for their Master’s program in Composition/Film-Scoring? (We were surprised to get it so early, as they said that decisions usually go out in late March/early April.) There was no audition or interview, but he submitted several compositions and scores. Thanks to his time at Berklee, he had a number of recordings of his work being played by a live orchestra, some of which he conducted himself.
He’s still deciding if he wants to go the grad school route (NYU was the only school he applied to) or just try to dive right in to finding work and/or good internships, and they won’t send information on financial aid/scholarships (hard to come by at NYU, it seems) for about a week, but if anyone’s daughter or son is considering undergrad film-scoring at Berklee, I would highly recommend it. It seems as if he was able to do a lot of things as an undergrad that he wouldn’t have been able to at other schools–a lot of really good (according to him), intensive film-scoring and composition work, as well as guidance as to how to network and enter the field straight out of school.
(I think he’ been a little obsessed with NYU ever since some high school college counselor just sneered at him when he asked about applying there. Ba-HAH! :slight_smile: )
Anyway, whatever he decides, I know that he feels good about the acceptance (so do his father and I). And I just read that Robert De Niro just got the go-ahead to build a big film studio in NYC, so that LA isn’t the be-all and end-all in terms of filmmaking. NYC is a much better fit for my son, and if he goes to NYU he can live at home and save some money.
It’s been a good day.


Congratulations on your son’s acceptance to NYU, and on his finishing up at Berklee!

Thank you so much! It’s really amazing to me how we’ve all been following each other’s sons’ and daughters’ adventures in musical education for so long. It’s been such a great source of support, even when things were not going so well. Time does fly…
How is your son doing? I admit to not having kept up with the various threads for a while…