Class of 2026 Undergrad/Class of 2024 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Congrats! So nice to have that first one!!

Right there with you! The next few weeks will feel very long…


It does seem to drag out toward the end, but then there will be a rush of news and it will seem like zero time to process it all before decisions are due. D used this time to get a prioritized list of schools. We looked at overall COA to be able to compare the finances on equal footing (including approximate travel costs, room and board, tuition). I had a spreadsheet so that when offers came in, all I needed to do was a simple subtraction to see what our bottom line would be.


Yes, there’s a big log jam that will break mid-March.

Often its the rejections that come first with acceptances later. That why mid-Feb with one or two rejections and nothing until mid-March can be very scary.

Still rolling admission can be different with acceptances coming first. But those may be the “slam-dunk” acceptances. They may hold others. And I do think it can differ depending on instrument. A big dept may have some offers go out more quickly (like voice were they make give acceptances to 40ish people at a big school). But for instruments with under 10 (where they only take a few for the instrument), they may hold those until they see everyone. This is OPINION of course based on some experience and rumor.

The main point: we’ve all been in your situation and made it through the process. It’s like the 20 mile mark in the marathon. There’s nothing easy about it. But it is way too early to despair! @songbirdmama offers a good idea to distract and prep yourself for when the results finally come through.


I do appreciate the voice of reason and calming words- definitely a good reminder to stay away from second-guessing everything including feedback from professors and audition/interview panels. I also like the optimism of @songbirdmama strategy which assumes that there will be options to choose from!

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I was once told by a veteran parent on here years ago that a music parent’s job during auditions is to simply have faith in their kid. As a parent, you need to believe when no one else does (particularly your kid). I have had to practice this countless times. It’s the bane of auditions. Still it always works out.

Just paying it forward.


As a parent of a second year conservatory student, I remember the challenge of waiting until the end of March two years ago well. So hard to have everything out of our hands and so tempting to try and analyze everything. We tried to just not discuss any auditions after they were done and to change up the routine for a few weeks. My son wisely took a bit of a break, fooled around playing jazz, learned how to bake bread and so on. And now looking back, we are so glad we did not make ourselves crazy. Son was rejected at his “safety” and was accepted at all 5 target to super reach schools. He was offered a tiny scholarship by the program where the professor exclaimed “Bravo!!” after one of his excerpts. And a full ride scholarship from the teacher who was looking out the window throughout his audition. Auditions and waiting and rejections will be a big part of their lives as musicians. But always a learning opportunity. May you all have good choices soon!!


It has been very interesting to see the different ways auditions are conducted. Some with no expression and very matter of fact, others with lots of praise and follow-up emails from professors (even one an hour after the audition from a “reach” school!)

My son has had three live remote auditions, 4 in-person (with final one on Monday in NYC), and 2 recorded. Definitely been through the wringer and will take a well needed break.


@grahamcracker6 Good luck to DS on the audition !! I hope you all enjoy a break now.


Thank you!

Sending good vibes for your son’s audition!!

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Does anyone have an idea as to when Lawrence and Ithaca send out decisions?

Thank you! All done and it went very well :slightly_smiling_face: Enjoying a stress free stroll around Greenwich Village before the flight home.


I believe Ithaca sends out decisions between 3/1 and 4/15. I don’t know about Lawrence.

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@grahamcracker6 NYC would be a great place to celebrate! That last audition was a big deal here – finally DROPPING those pieces, at last! The scores were ceremoniously put away, back up on the shelf. The last audition for us was also in Canada, so the whole (US) border-crossing trip, required PCR tests etc., was quite an over-the-top finale. It took a week or so to decompress, and now DD is really happy just to dig into the new rep for late spring / early summer competitions. We’re enjoying the whole “reset” vibe around here.


We have an email from just after the Ithaca audition that says decisions will arrive somewhere between late February and mid-March. It’s from faculty though, so perhaps they don’t have the correct info.


Oh I hope you are correct!! It seems like it’s been forever since he submitted everything.

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It was a good day for sure! Son still has to practice his concerto for 2 more weeks for a performance he has, but all the other pieces are on the shelf. Now to catchup on homework…

Where did your daughter apply in Canada…any chance McGill? My daughter (not music) goes there so if yours ends up north of the border, I’ve learned a lot about having an international student in Canada and can answer any questions.

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@grahamcracker6 Thanks so much! I’ll DM you :slight_smile:

What a journey…admittedly, I avoided this forum for a while because I was so overwhelmed and underwater helping to guide my son through this whole process. He applied to 9 undergraduate music composition/screen scoring programs and he (and me) were exhausted! Now that all the common applications are done. Music supplement apps are done. Pre-screens are done. Auditions are done….I’m finally coming back to this forum to check in and so happy to see updates.

While the waiting part now is a bit nerve-wracking, just remember that getting to this point is quite an accomplishment. I have such a new and sincere appreciation for music school students. This is a marathon admissions process and we should all remember that.

Kudos to the students! Kudos to the parents! Best of luck in the long month of March ahead!