Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey


Hi friends. We’ve all been gone for a week! I hope everyone is celebrating plans and next adventures, no matter what they may look like. S is in his last week of school, and he’s performing a lot. He received awards at both his choir and band concerts, and his own band played at an outdoor festival at a big high school. They got news they’re going to play in a major music festival in town this summer!

My plan is to go to the acceptance thread and make one “final” post with just the schools each student committed to, or whether they made other plans such as a gap year. If you don’t want your student’s plan to be included, just message me. Yay. Our families have accomplished so much.

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Is everyone else busy attending all these milestone events and lasts? So bittersweet. I got to go to my oldest’s college graduation last week which was a JOY. Unfortunately, my high school senior and spouse stayed home because she had a couple “lasts” that she couldn’t miss. Having a college senior and a high school senior is rough! My oldest is looking for gainful employment, I am crossing all digits.

My high school senior’s music/college decision came down to the wire. Some stuff happened behind the scenes that made her choice pretty obvious. But another school she was seriously considering has some faculty shake up happening for this fall just announced and wow, feels like she dodged a bullet there. Certainly, that can happen anywhere at anytime, but given how things shook out there did feel like there was a bit of karma involved for her to lead her to her final choice. She is so excited!

@BeverlyWest when I have a little time I will PM you all our info now that it’s set in stone. I meant to do that sooner! :grinning:


Congrats from the class of 2026-- you all have so much to be proud of! What a terrific group-- and now you can mentor the next group.

Well done!!


Agreed. This class of kids and parents has been wonderful to watch. Hope you guys stay around to help us out next year!


Hi all —

I’ve been lurking on your thread for months now, enjoying watching the journey of your musical kids. My D23 is also a music kid — vocal performance in a girls chorus since she was very little, including the semi-professional top group throughout HS — but she wasn’t applying to music programs (other than putting together a music supplement that helped her get into some of the private schools + some non-major music scholarships). But I loved seeing what the process looked like through your eyes (and through her friends, many of whom were applying to vocal conservatories), and am so excited for your kids! And a little sad my daughter won’t be joining some of them at Oberlin since a bunch of your musicians are headed there. In the end, my CA kid just didn’t want to go to OH. :frowning: That one will definitely always be my “road not taken” school for her, and I’m still a little sad about it, but she’s the one who has to go to school I guess. (I swear I want to go back to college seeing these great programs!)

Anyway, I wanted to chime in with a resource for those of you who are reading this thread and preparing for next year or future years. The “Your College Bound Kid” podcast (best podcast—I love it!) did a three part series on applying for Music with interviews of Christine Gangelhoff who is an advisor/expert on the subject. It ran three consecutive Thursday episodes starting with this one:

The interviews are at the end of each episode, and although it’s stuff that those of you who have been through the process this year pretty much already know, I thought it was a great primer for anyone getting started.

Good luck to all as you wrap up the year, celebrate those graduations, and get your talented kids headed off to college!


So he’s having a graduating senior and an older sibling’s wedding! While job hunting…

Could you PM me about dodging a bullet given our previous discussions off-forum?


Yes, for sure! :slight_smile:

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We also had both a high school graduation and a college graduation this month, plus one finishing 8th grade. It was WILD!! But all good stuff!

My music major kiddo graduated from her university 2 weeks ago. She was asked to perform the national anthem at the big outdoor, all students commencement and that was exciting.

Since she will be a grad student at Eastman we had to find housing for her in Rochester. There is an Eastman parents Facebook group and they are amazing. They pointed us in the direction of an apartment building right across the street from Eastman and we signed on that apartment this month. She is ready to GO!


Not sure where to post this, and I figure some of the folks on this thread may have an answer…

Son is flying into Buffalo(alone, other than with his cello) and then needs to get to Fredonia School of Music/SUNY Fredonia for his summer program. I don’t want him waiting around the airport for seven hours for the shuttle Castleman is sending, so I’m trying to figure out whether he should taxi/Uber/Lyft/car service…

He’s never traveled alone before. At home, he drives places.


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I would go for a car service, I would be suprised if an Uber is willing to drive that far, but there may be car services that will do it if you pay ahead.

Not sure if this works for your scenario as I am not familiar with the area, but my son has had luck at times combining Uber/Lyft with trains or buses. So if there is a decent leg of the journey that can be covered by a fairly direct train, he Ubers the remaining part. Ride shares have gotten so expensive over the past few years, and also as stated by @helpingthekid73 above, tend to not travel longer distances.

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The QCP people said that the car options will go to the campus, but warned participants to get a quote first. I’m hoping he can find someone else getting in early so they could split the fare.

The bus/train option gets you to Buffalo, but would unfortunately take almost as long as waiting for the official shuttle- plus he’lll have cello and luggage for seven weeks!

Checking in here, while I am on CC, is there a new thread for rising seniors/incoming grad school students - 2028/2026? @helpingthekid73 and all, feeling excited for your and your kids’ journey next year! Looking forward to lurking on your new thread soon! :joy:


I saw this!

Class of 28: a thread to capture the journey of applications, pre screens, tours and auditions

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And Good Luck! Enjoy the journey…lots of ups, downs, changes etc etc…and most of all enjoy every moment because it goes fast and then you are sitting in College orientation (like me right now!)


Just circling back to wish everyone luck this coming month and the entire first year! We have been busy with orientation, planning a cross country drop off, and shopping for the dorm! Enjoying a family vacation next week then we bring our guy for move in August 11!


Hi there! I’m circling back, too, after an intense and crazy summer with music festivals, work, traveling, etc. We did it. I dropped S off in NOLA this week. Convocation was emotional, with such warm and loving speeches and so many traditions. After our huge journey, it seems like the perfect place. Thank you so much, everyone here. I’m looking forward to going over to the '28 thread.


I have a daughter who plays the drum set. Just got our audition for Berklee scheduled for November. How long after your son’s audition did he get the acceptance? And how has your experience been so far? Thank you!


My son received his acceptance in mid December, about a month after his audition, as did his two friends from the same high school. I know other got theirs closer to the January 31 deadline.

I can’t speak to the school experience yet - we just arrived in Boston to move him in to the dorm. I have connected with other parents via Facebook and have only heard positive feedback for the school and instructors. Berklee’s administration is sometimes criticized for being disorganized but our experience so far has been outstanding.

Best of luck to your daughter with her audition. Berklee has so much helpful info on their website about what to expect including the questions they ask in the interview. If you didn’t make it to an open house you can find a tape of it on You Tube where they go through everything they do in the audition/interview.