Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

I spent a lot of time stalking the thread from the year before to try to figure out the exact dates to expect :slight_smile: …with mixed success. Generally the music school releases the same date at the rest of the college. Blair I remember sent out early acceptances to pretty much everyone it seemed like, but NOT rejections or waitlist offers…so there was a week where we assumed my son didn’t get in since he hadn’t heard anything, but didn’t know for sure. I was not a fan of that! It turned out he was waitlisted (and eventually admitted).


I read those past threads closely. I loved seeing all the decisions come in. @kokotg your son’s was late in the game!

Going in with no expectations, I only know that acceptances will be wonderful, but some may be bittersweet due to money. S applied to some schools that we didn’t realize have a cap on scholarships. I feel sad about him doing those auditions. On the bright side, he’s gotten practice auditioning, and his latest was one of the best.

ETA: I say this all acknowledging that he has two acceptances, one affordable and one very close to affordable. I think this will all still be intense, with almost every school that was on his original list still to come.


After finally realizing we were serious with our issues, two of his public middle school teachers offered that he could stand in the back of the room if he wanted to, and he could leave to get water or go to the bathroom. The fact that those were concessions just proved how it was not the place for him. Otoh, many kids love the structure and do great. I did when I was a kid.

My kid got most of his notifications WITH financial info in mid to late March 4 years ago. Now that we’re going through twice, each school really does their own thing. Like my daughter just got her first music acceptance a couple days ago (after EA academic a few weeks ago) but they said not to expect financial info for another month. So it’s really an incomplete picture. Though that one is a flagship where we get reciprocity so I fully expect not to get much if anything there. That makes it a great option though, we can afford it and kiddo likes it a lot.

Some teachers have tried to reach out in some way before official offers for both my kids too. Like a faculty member somewhere she auditioned reached out to my kid’s regular teacher recently with positive audition feedback, that’s kind of weird right!? But offers not expected for a month or so. This process is so weird and mysterious! My older kid did have a wait list situtation too that was really strange the way it went down.

I fully expect we’ll have financial disappointments (and/or straight up rejection) too @BeverlyWest . I feel lucky that my kid is pretty pragmatic and isn’t too invested in rankings, etc. Though she does appreciate a shiny performance space lol. My kid has done a lot of theater and competitive auditioning in regional stuff and it’s done wonders for her ability to push through disappointments.


Congratulations on her acceptance! And thank you for sharing all of this. It is such a drawn-out incomplete picture, from university admittance, to actual music admittance, to financial information.


Everyone, if you want to share acceptances you can DM me and I’ll put them on the running list.

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I was just saying to my husband not three hours ago, travel is worrisome for some students right now. Thank goodness our kid has a direct flight to somewhere warm, from our city where it snows maybe once a year. Three hours later, guess what’s coming down? :snowflake: He leaves at 3:30 am.

ETA: At this point, it’s still a little comical, considering we never get snow and now it’s coming down even harder. But if it gets toward nighttime and this is still going strong, I’m going to start to join you all in biting my fingernails over audition travel. From a never-snows city to Dallas. :grimacing:

Hello all, D is getting a bit nervous about her next auditions… can anyone give us an idea of what to expect at Curtis? Where was the voice audition held? 1726 Locust or Lenfest Hall? Somehow it helps her to know where the space is and any ideas as to what it looks like.
Likewise any info on Juilliard would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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My son’s audition is Saturday and it said all auditions will be on Locust.


Full on snow storm at this point, with no buses running by our house and my H hiking home from work. All I can do is :joy: The airport info says that flights are just delayed by 15 minutes. This will be an epic start to my son’s solo trip!

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@Momeila I can’t offer any knowledge or experience here. My D is also pretty nervous about Juilliard and Curtis. We leave for New York on Friday. We talked about getting some amazing pizza, walking in Central Park and maybe seeing a concert while we’re there. I am in charge of the fun distractions :blush:


BW let my son switch to virtual upload due to weather.


Thanks for letting me know. I think that’s what we would request if necessary, but I’m still hopeful for Texas. The airport here shows no delays, and it’s more a matter of us getting him to the airport safely from our house–a 20 minute drive on the highway. Once he’s there, they’re flying. :crossed_fingers:

p.s. This is like a blizzard for us, but would be a small annoyance in Montreal.


My son spoke to the director of music admissions at Memphis and loaded up some recorded material today, so that worked out on time. Yay! He also got accepted to UArts and to C0lumbia College Chicago. Neither one is offering enough $, but he feels good he’s gotten admitted 4/4.


This is my sons thoughts too. He just wants to feel “good enough.”


:heart: :heart: It’s hard to put themselves through this process of being judged. Being an artist will be full of judgments, but it’s never easy, especially when you’re a teenager. And it’s hard on parents, too.


I hope everyone is able to get to their auditions this weekend with the snow! @BeverlyWest …did you make it to the airport???

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No, the flight was canceled and my poor kid went back to bed. I’ve been holding with Alaska Airlines for 4 hours. He’s so excited to go. I hope they answer soon. It’s turning to rain already and the timing was just perfectly awful.

I am SO sorry. That truly stinks.

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Thank you for thinking of us. It’s not ideal, but we just got a ticket leaving tomorrow night, getting him in late the night before the audition. I’m sad he’ll miss the fun things he had planned, but at least we can get him there for the audition. This is so ridiculous. It seriously snows once a year here. :angry:

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