Class of 2027--University of Oregon

My son was offered $5k/year for 4 years.

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Hi all, my son was admitted to Oregon in early Nov (his first acceptance) and his major was listed as “Business Administration (pre-major)”. We assumed that meant he had been direct admitted to Lundquist because it said Business Administration and were thrilled. He has spent the last 3 months assuming Oregon was his first choice and has already applied for housing though he hasn’t yet committed. Only after discovering this thread have I now seen that others got a specific invite to Lundquist which he didn’t get. I’m guessing this means he actually didn’t get in, and now he’s devastated. We haven’t heard back from the admissions office, and searching the OU website has not yielded any specific info on how to tell whether one has actually gotten direct admitted. What has been other’s experiences here? We feel so dumb, yet also mad that the process is so opaque. I think we were just naive to see “Business Administration” and assume he was in, but I’m so frustrated that the process is so unclear.

Oh wow, that is frustrating! I noticed that in the admissions portal it shows who your Admissions Officer is and has contact information. Is there a way you could email that person directly? It might be mix-up and he is indeed admitted. Or maybe it’s easy to get admitted once you are there? I know very little about U of O. We are waiting to hear back on whether or not my daughter is admitted to the Honors college.

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It sounds like this is possibly the case. The website says there are two paths: direct admission or pre-business admission, which involves completing some core courses. It’s possible @TealBlueJelly that he just needs to take a year before entering the school, but there’s so much info here, I did not read it completely.

You’re not alone. This kind of system works for the music school, and it is really confusing to get admitted pre-music. We didn’t understand what that was at first. My kid still needed to audition.

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I understand he must feel devastated, and I’m so sorry you’re both going through this. I hope he can get through the initial shock and be able to find out more. Don’t give up! It sounds like a normal process given that it’s outlined as a possible path on their website.


Entering as a pre-major is the most common path for business at UO and happens often with popular programs at other universities! When my son received email notification of his direct admission to Lundquist after his initial acceptance, the pre-major caveat was removed in his portal. As a pre-major, your son will take the same business courses as a direct admit. He’ll need to get a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA in those classes and apply for the full major, usually near the end of his sophomore year. He can still apply for the Business Academic Residential Community if that’s of interest!


I thought about your son this morning, and I hope he’s okay and has discovered he can still go to U of O for business administration.

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Thanks all who replied in response to my previous post. We reached out to his designated admissions advisor via phone and email and have not gotten a response. We called the main admissions office and they directed us to Lundquist admissions. Lundquist admissions directed us back to undergraduate admissions. Crazy that no one can actually answer the simple question of “what is my admission status?” Finally my son called Lundquist admissions again and a nice woman confirmed that he has not been admitted if his portal says “Business admission (pre-major)” but that he MAY still be considered for admission until 3/31. It’s incredibly frustrating that no one can provide an actual confirmed answer about how the admission process works, and that the actual admit process is so opaque. We have read about the standard admission process and it seems slightly more realistic than at many schools, but dependent upon being able to get enrolled in the required classes in his freshman year. Just sad that OU went from his likely commitment to this.

I’m sorry you didn’t get the news you were hoping to hear. Direct admission to Lundquist is based on factors including GPA, academic rigor, test scores and ability to enhance UO diversity. I’m guessing they have a set number of spaces and want to do a holistic review of the applications that came in by the 1/15 deadline before extending the remaining direct admit offers. I hope he receives good news soon! In the meantime, you can find more info on the process here:

My son is in the same boat. If your son’s portal says pre-business, then he was not directly admitted. They sent out direct admit letters in December I believe (my son did not get one). We emailed his admission’s officer and an assistant replied that direct admit offers are not over and will continue to come out. We have not heard anything in that regard, nor have I seen anyone post here or in Reddit to that effect. My guess is that once direct admit kids begin declining, then perhaps Lundquist will go out with more direct admit offers. But this is purely speculation. It is a bit disappointing. My son has a 3.9 unweighted GPA and other good stuff going on so not getting direct admit was surprising for sure.

He is still admitted to U of O, though, so would he want to do the indirect process? I know it’s not the same.

Hang in there. Oregon is our state flagship so we know lots of kids who have ended up in Eugene. If you talked with them and their families, you would hear over an over that Oregon is pretty awful when it comes to clear communication. Right now our 12th grade daughter is in the search process and will likely (like her brother) skip UofO as they offer so little merit aid to in state students. I would suggest you keep calling and asking question rather than wait for your admissions counselor to return your call. My daughters admissions counselor has been pretty terrible and takes several days usually to get back to her. It is always via text and even if she responds to his text within minutes she won’t hear anything, often for days.

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Is there a place on the portal to see the breakdown of the COA? I know the scholarship amount but I would like to see the final cost breakdown before we fully commit. The admission portal shows her acceptance letter and scholarship letter. However, other school websites seem to have the entire cost broken down with financial aid figured in.

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I have not seen the 2023-24 costs yet but this is where I found info.

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Yes, thank you!..this is all I have found too. I was wondering if I missed something since other schools have sent a detailed document. This is my daughter’s first choice school so I want to make sure we have everything in place and the costs are understood.

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Several schools send their complete financial package later than the acceptance, often in March. I don’t know about U of O, but we haven’t gotten anything either (admitted in December).

We also had an early acceptance and nothing yet…hope the price doesn’t change much from 2022! We are OOS so even with scholarships it is at the top of the budget…and of course my daughter’s top choice.

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Amazing though that tuition stays the same for five years!


Same here. Top choice and OOS. Small scholarship that we are assuming will cover the increase from 2022-23 to 2023-24. Looking at 2021-22, there was just over a $3k increase to 2022-23. Thankful for the price lock and hoping to learn more about cost soon. Also, cost will vary a bit by room and meal plan choice.


Yes, I saw that too…hoping/wishing/praying for less of a jump this year…lol. Fingers crossed…Daughter got into the honors college so that adds another $3,000 to the cost…she got a nice scholarship but still $$$$.