Class of 28 Undergrad/Class of 26 Grad: a thread to capture the journey of applications, pre screens, tours and auditions

And yes to the long winter,

For us it is easy to just fly in for a weekend so he doesnā€™t have to miss school but it seems so many things are on Saturday. I guess they should be used to it. We are going to a lac for a Friday meeting with the teacher and then will drive back early sat so he doesnā€™t miss that day. Crazy!

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Audition/interview dates for the schools S24 is looking at are kind of all over the place, not just Saturday: One on Tuesday, one on Friday, one on a Sunday(!)

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Thatā€™s good. You wonā€™t have to bend spacetime to do them all on the same day. :grin:


New Poster here. I have learned a lot from watching last yearā€™s thread though we are still trying to identify a good list of schools. DD is a soprano and wants to do a BM though I am not sure what programs are realistic for her. Her teacher thinks she is great, but we arenā€™t in a major city and her teacher hasnā€™t had many students go on to do VP. So DD really needs to think about mid-tier programs in addition to the ones she dreams of, though I am less sure what those are. But DD is also a very strong student, and we want to make sure that she ends up somewhere she can pursue other interests if music turns out to be something that she can only pursue so far. Iā€™d love any thoughts from people who know more than us about attainable VP programs in strong liberal arts settings. If it matters, DD is strong in both STEM and humanities, but she likes the humanities much more. And music the most, but that only makes things complicated!

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Have you looked int o St. Olaf? Lawrence? Gettysburg/Sunderman? Oberlin? Northwestern? Vanderbilt?

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Agree with @helpingthekid73. Those are great schools for double degrees. Look into Oberlinā€™s Musical Studies BA as well: it gives access to conservatory resources while allowing for more classes outside of music.

Consider Bard as well, where all conservatory students do a double degree:
Classical Vocal Performance (

@operalovermom have you read the Double Degree Dilemma essay in the Read Me section of this music forum? It covers different ways to study music.

Welcome @operalovermom!
Iā€™m not sure where she is looking geographically, but Chapman University might be worth a look. Excellent voice/opera program and many students pursue a double major.

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These are all great suggestions. Thank you so much!! I have read the double degree dilemma, and I would put DD as someone who definitely wants to do voice, but she has other interests too and things may shift as she gets a sense of what that would take long term. She doesnā€™t want to do a double degree now so much as have the opportunity to take classes in other areas that interest her, and I like the idea of flexibility these types of schools allow for.

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Does anyone know anything about Baldwin Wallace and Wheaton College (IL)? We are looking into those now too.

We had Wheaton recommended to us for our son (voice major). They have a good music program but I donā€™t know much else about it with respect to music. If your student would prefer a Christian college, itā€™s well respected in that realm. I have a relative who is a grad.

@Doransa, Do you mind if I PM you with a couple of questions about Cleveland Institute of Music?

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My son and I are scheduled to visit Wheaton in a couple of weeks, so I will report back! He wants to study composition there, so a little different from voice.

I wasnā€™t sure if you could send messages, so I decided to message you. Please check your inbox.

Thank you. Iā€™d love to hear back about Wheaton!

Hows everyone doing? S24 has one more trial lesson done, two more scheduled and an audition for a scholarship program in a month. Working still on the repertoire for that and the prescreens! Applications, music, travel to see the music programs and the enormous amount of homework they have senior year is getting to be a lot for all of us (and the silly thing like going to work, ha!!).


Hanging in there! He has 2 applications submitted (one ED and one EA). He has two more EA to submit, I think, but Iā€™m trying to get him to get as many of the RD ones done as possible as soon as possibleā€¦to avoid a potential situation where he doesnā€™t get in to Blair and has 2 weeks to finish a million more applications while being sad. Heā€™s touring the music school at UGA and doing sample lessons, sitting in on classes, etc. next week. Interested to see what he thinksā€¦he thinks heā€™d prefer a smaller school, but I can see pros and consā€¦and I wouldnā€™t mind having him so close! Heā€™s working on prescreens/an arts supplement video at non-music schools, a process I gather from his mood is not going so well so far.


hi excuse my lack of knowledge but does that mean they can do ED and EA?

Things are moving quite quickly

  • Trial lessons mostly done; one generated an invite to a workshop if she is able to get there a few days before the audition.
  • Choral scholarship awarded for a UK option (academic process is separate and a little later).
  • formal offer of a joint language and music place at another UK Univ

They can apply ED at only one school, but can submit as many other applications as they want (EA or RD); but then they have to withdraw all of those if theyā€™re accepted to the ED school.

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