Class of 28 Undergrad/Class of 26 Grad: a thread to capture the journey of applications, pre screens, tours and auditions

I asked him last night what is he going to do net year when he needs to record these things at school and I am not there, he said “google drive mom” save me!

also Michigan (for music) have given the weekend


wow - I would not think any of these schools would have extended deadlines

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Just curious how you know. Is this just for people who have applications in process? Because from what I saw, the websites don’t indicate that. (Not trying to put you on the defensive…just really curious.)

My daughter got multiple emails from CIM, Eastman and NEC to apply and they extended their deadline. Someone also commented that Univ. of Michigan also extended their deadline also. My daughter did not apply to any of these schools.


I heard from a friend that the application software that most of those schools use has been exceptionally glitchy this year, so that may be the reason one or two extended, and then everybody else just followed suit.


So interesting…thanks for sharing. Also, @TooManyViolinists - If what you’ve heard is true, that would make a lot of sense and be a little more understandable.

It’s also on social media of the schools/univs. DD got some emails as she had registered interest at some point, and I guess got UMich as they say it may take upto 72hours to see tings in the portal, incl links between schools, so prob thought she hadn’t completed. Maybe that is the glitch?


I would think no different than summer music programs extending deadlines sometimes not enough applicants apply - I am a horn player and teacher and I even got late emails from BUTI last year that they had spots open for horn and have gotten multiply from grad TA positions. I thought it was just interesting. My daughter is a violinist - they usually have more than enough applicants.


My D got a few emails from schools she didn’t apply to saying they had extended the deadline including CIM and MSM.

Also she did have an actual glitch at Northwestern/Bienen where the Bienen application didn’t pull in her transcript from the Northwestern application, so it said her application was incomplete. Her school counselor called the school with her sitting in the office to manually straighten it out.


Ah interesting DD had the same problem at UMich and somewhere else I think

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Do we think we will hear about pre screen outcomes this side of the holidays? Just thinking logistics

Looks like most did last year.

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Usually by December 15


Did Bienen say that they need to have the Northwestern application complete to start reviewing the prescreens? S24 submitted everything on Dec 1 but the school wont send their part until tomorrow at the earliest.

They didn’t say! Also my D plays the bass and no prescreen is required for some reason.

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That is great for her!