class of o9: who's still torn between ED/EA possibilities??

<p>Post here if you're applying ED/EA in a few MONTHS and still can't decide! what are you thinking??</p>


<p>ahhhh i really can't choose!</p>

<p>i'd either go with</p>

<p>5 EA's at MIT, Caltech, UMich, UChicago and Rutgers</p>


<p>ED at Wharton/LSM which i will get rejected from >.>''</p>



<p>I wanted to apply SCEA at Yale...</p>

<p>However, I do not think I will be doing that anymore. Call me crazy, but I kind of want the whole ordeal most seniors went through this year of receiving acceptance letters in March. And then having to choose a school.</p>

<p>you know u still can, since it's SCEA......</p>

<p>Haha, I was just thinking that. Yeah, I know. But if I do, I probably will end up not applying anywhere else. I don't know...</p>

<p>Plus, I don't think my college counselor will want me too... I still have to talk to him.</p>

<p>For the longest i was torn between Columbia ED/Yale EA</p>

<p>but then I decided that I could <em>probably</em> get into columbia RD a lot easier than I could get into yale RD and it just made sense.</p>

<p>thank god harvard dropped EA or I would be much more indecisive right now.</p>

<p>i think the only reason i'm torn is because PENN IS ED and i dont want to be stuck with an ED commitment despite how awesome wharton is =(</p>

<p>EA at Bard and Binghamton, regular every where else, despite the fact that neither are my TOP choice.</p>

<p>I'm personally turned off from ED because I don't want to get accepted and then have second thoughts on it and then start freaking out on whether or not I made the right choice etc, etc. And I also want to have the experience of getting many letters (whether they have Rejected, Wait listed, Deferred, or Accepted on them) and then weening out the colleges I'm not going to and then having to decide.</p>

<p>narcissa, if you get rejected from LSM ed, you can opt to not be considered for CAS or Wharton. I'm in the same predicament, and I thought that if I applied early to LSM and was rejected but accepted to CAS, that would suck. I then realized you could just say not to forward the app if rejected.</p>

<p>I'm not sure, either.</p>

<p>Brown ED? Vassar ED? Wesleyan ED? Haverford ED?</p>

<p>Probably Brown ED, Wesleyan EDII.</p>

<p>Definitely UMich rolling early on (well, maybe, that is...not sure I'd even go). But UChicago EA, for sure. Can't think of many good EA schools that I like...</p>

<p>I am so stuck between Standford EA and Georgetown/UChicago/Lewis & Clark EA. The second choice is smarter, but I just wanna KNOW about Stanford, you know?</p>

<p>I thought you could EA places and ED, but if you got into the ED you would (obviously) have to withdraw your EA apps?</p>

<p>I feel dumb but can someone please tell me what EA and ED means?</p>

<p>First addressing questions...</p>

<p>Knights09: You are correct. You may apply EA to multiple schools along with an ED app, and will be required to withdraw EA apps and enroll at the ED school if accepted there. Obviously, you may not apply ED to multiple schools.</p>

<p>tma2290: Early Action and Early Decision. Some colleges will allow you to send applications by early November and receive a decision by mid-December, instead of sending by early January and receiving the decision by early April. You can check wikipedia for more info. The basic difference is, ED forces you to go to the school if you are accepted, but EA does not force you.</p>

<p>As for me... MIT's my top choice, so I will most likely (after discussing with counselor) apply EA there. Stanford's my second choice, but unfortunately I cannot EA there because they are single choice. I won't apply ED because I don't like the idea of being bound to accept a college without comparing aid offers, which I need to be on the lookout for.</p>

<p>ah leftylink...i didn't know u can ED AND EA at the same time. so it won't be against rules if i do ALL of the things i listed in my OP?</p>

<p>of course i will withdraw apps if i get in (which i doubt )</p>

<p>Narcissa, check the EA/ED rules for each school carefully; most permit you to apply other places EA or rolling, no problem, but some ED schools will not allow you to have any applications in other than that special one, even if your intent is to withdraw. And some EA schools don't want you to apply to any other school early.</p>

<p>I won't be doing anything ED because of financial issues. EA might work for me though. But first I have to decide where I'm applying, because if I don't know that, no amount of debate will do any good.</p>


And some EA schools don't want you to apply to any other school early.


<p>These are only the SCEA schools though, right (Stanford, Yale, etc.)</p>

<p>I'm torn between Stanford (SCEA) and MIT (EA). Both are my 1st choices...I think Stanford's going to win out, though...</p>

<p>D intends to have an early read of FA info from two top 15 LACs (her reaches) before she would commit to choosing one to apply ED to - some schools offer that, and it is nice to look into if finances are holding you back from the ED commitment. In addition, she will have about five EA applications in (her two safeties and three matches). Good luck to everyone!!</p>

<p>does anyone know if Penn lets you EA other places while you ED there?</p>