Class Rank & Admissions

<p>My son is thinking about applying to Princeton. I think his unweighted GPA (3.82 cumulative 9th-11th; 3.89 cumulative 10th-11th; 3.95 for 10th-11th without +/-, which I understand is what the Ivies do to recalculate gpa), rigor of classes, and ACT results (33 composite) are at least in the ballpark for consideration. </p>

<p>However, I fear that his 14th percentile class rank based on 9th-11th grades will place him in the "throwout" pile given the high % of Princeton admits (97-98%) that are in the top 10% of their class. He would be top 10% based only on 10th-11th grades or weighted grades, but unfortunately his high school uses 9th-12th unweighted. If this information is included in the HS counselor's comments on the secondary school report, do you think this significantly improves his admit chances? A top 10% ranking seems so crucial, and I just wonder if this kind of counselor comment might make a significant difference.</p>

<p>“However, I fear that his 14th percentile class rank based on 9th-11th grades will place him in the “throwout” pile given the high % of Princeton admits (97-98%) that are in the top 10% of their class.”</p>

<p>I don’t see why you “fear” anything, if your son doesn’t go to Princeton it is not going to have any effect on his life. Even though many people on this forum will disagree with me, I feel that the quality of the education at a place like Princeton is no better than any other top 15-20 school, but you pay for a name that you can write down on a job application that really only has an effect on your first job</p>

<p>If the GC explains that the ranking does not used weighted GPA< the adcoms will surely understand. Many schools do this. What’s most important is his success in the most rigorous curriculum.</p>

<p>I disagree w/ Broncosfan-the Princeton experience is tip top, and worth every ounce of sweat for admissions, and graduation.</p>