I’m applying for several universities and I just want to make sure that I’m reporting my information correctly. I’m asked to provide my rank (number in NNNN format) and rank (percent in NN.N format). If I’m 31/616, then would I just put 31 for the number?
Also, I’m in the top 5%, but does NN.N format mean that the application wants decile ranking? Meaning I would write down 10%?
Usually the question will be NNN/NNN, which would be 31/616.If it justs asks for one number (which would be weird because it offers no basis of comparison) then it would be 31. Percent would be 5.0.
@skieurope Right, I put 5.0 for the percentage, but I’m just given an error message for it. I think it might be because two numbers need to be before the decimal?
@skieurope That works, but do schools normally ask for decile? Because I assumed NN.N would be the decile format.
It may be given as an option if the HS does not rank, but it’s not unusual not to be asked for decile.