Class Ranking in Admissions Decision

@anotherparent22‌ Thank you for following up on this! My class rank did go up from the fall semester to 69/487, so I’m getting closer to the top 10%. It only went up ten spots though, so I feel like it’ll plateau. But at least it went up :slight_smile: I’d like to get your input on standardized tests and getting scholarships. I have a 31 on the ACT (34 E, 28 M, 34 R, 29 S, 10W). I’ve been studying for the SAT and took it in January (scores come out soon). I tried the SAT because it didn’t have a science section, which was always a hit or miss for me. I think I did alright on the SAT, but not great. Do you think I should focus on the ACT since I already have 34s in two sections and I’d only need to improve math and science? I’d rather not study for two tests simultaneously as I’m already trying to find the time to study for one! I’ll post my SAT scores when they come out. In the end, I just want to find the best way to get the best test scores. For example, if I get a 31 in math and science, I’d have a 33 superscored! I’m probably making a bigger deal out of this than I need to, but I’m just having trouble deciding which route to take! xD Again, thanks for all your help on this thread :slight_smile:

I might’ve posted some misinformation. When Miami superscores, would my Superscored composite score be the average of all of my best subscores or the best composite score I’ve gotten from the multiple tests I’ve taken?

@TotallyTrudy, superscoring the ACT means taking the best scores from each subsection and averaging those. If I were your mom, I would tell you to concentrate on the ACT, given that you have really excellent scores in two of the subsections. If you pull up math and reading just a bit, you will have a very strong overall score (and a 31 is great anyway!). With a 33 superscored ACT (32 single sitting) and a 3.93 wGPA (don’t know uw), my S was admitted to UM with an $18k per year scholarship. His school does not rank, so that did not factor in. (He was also admitted to several other places with scholarship money at all of them so far.)

If I were you i will concentrate on Math and Science Section and try to Pull those UP, having a superscore of 33+ gives you a great advantage. Also try to get in top 10% that will help a lot too. Good luck…

Thank you everyone! I’ll definitely focus on the ACT now instead of the SAT (unless I get really promising scores from my January test). You all have been so helpful!