Class Registration

<p>I'm sure registration is different for international students but I would certainly email the school. It seems that SOMEONE should have at least contacted you by now about your schedule, wants, etc. Agree with boomer01, check out the website and start emailing. Best wishes.</p>

<p>I'm also in freshman engineering and I saw the link to the online study portion for placing out of com 114 and i was wondering if there is a study guide or anything to prepare for the Chem 115 place out test? I've been looking around and I cant find anything, just me? or is it not there.</p>

<p>If any of you want to test out of Comm 114 and are not able to do it before school starts, don't sweat it. My S tested out at the end of the 1st semester and passed with flying colors. If you know someone who took the course 1st semester, they can give you pointers on what you need to know and perhaps help you study. S's roommate helped him.</p>

<p>study guides for chem:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I assume you'd like to test out of both 115 and 116.</p>

<p>My S got the study guide last year for Chem 115 to try and test out. Since he only had chemistry one year in 10th grade he felt it was too hard and didn't even try to test out. I'm glad he didn't because he enjoyed his 2nd semester chemistry teacher so much (a woman but don't recall her name) that now he's decided to major in chemical engineering. Had he tested out of chemistry he might not have "found" the right major.</p>

<p>Thanks CK61188</p>