<p>i am a direct admit to kelley and I am trying to be as smart as possible when it comes to scheduling. i would like to get some of the more difficult clases out of the way over the summers so they dont kill my GPA. Any suggestions?</p>
<p>Also, is there a link to what my 4 years are supposed to look like class wise? (finance major)</p>
<p>and could someone post the link to the website that shows the teachers and their grading difficulty?</p>
<p><a href=“Undergraduate | Bachelor's Degree in Business | Indiana Kelley”>Undergraduate | Bachelor's Degree in Business | Indiana Kelley;
<p>This is the list of pre requisites you need to take for icore your junior year. Are you an IN resident? If so there are a few ivy tech classes that will give you iu credit that are icore pre reqs. And since it’s at ivy tech the grade won’t go on your transcript so it won’t hurt your gpa for hard classes. Your freshman schedule is going to look very similar to everyone else’s.</p>
<p>As for grade distributions, google “iu grade distributions”</p>
<p>thanks appreciate it</p>