Class size?

For MT?

They strive for a class size of around 24.

Last year, though, almost all accepted chose to attend, so this year’s freshman class is about 50. Don’t panic when you hear that number. My D did initially, and it made her hesitate to choose UArts until her coaches all advised her to not let it affect her decision: the quality of training would remain the same, UArts people stressed that class sizes would also remain the same (about 12 per class max, with a few gen eds at about 20, and most under that), and they would still have personal/individualized attention as a top goal.This has been completely true! Plus, D has made so many friends and connections already. It probably affected the chances of getting cast (the majority of freshmen don’t get cast freshman year, anyway), but D and several of her freshmen friends got cast.

@myloves congrats!! Thanks so much for the information.

Feel free to keep the questions coming. My D likes to talk to people about UArts and help people through this, too.

@myloves Wondering why your D chose UARTS. Mine has been accepted elsewhere as well and is going through the process of figuring out where she belongs. We are visiting all again so she can sit in on classes. That might make the decision easier…hopefully. Lol.

Congratulations, @Murrrrb !

There were so many reasons D chose UArts. She had a pretty clear idea of what she wanted before auditioning (in random order here): professional, intellectually and artistically challenging, demanding, yet positive atmosphere and faculty; immersion into the major with few gen eds; a wide variety of choices within gen eds; high quality professors in all areas (D looked carefully at faculty bios, and even her voice teacher, who is closely connected with another highly regarded BFA program, scoured backgrounds of studio professors at my D’s choices, especially voice teachers); possible opportunities during school years; strong alumni work record; leveled dance courses and ability to take with dance majors and/or same dance teachers as dance majors; variety of acting techniques/philosophies taught; high level of personal attention from faculty and individualized approach to education; location (including rich arts scene outside of school–although she didn’t realize how important the outside arts scene was to her until closer to the end); connections with professionals in the school and outside; positive, cooperative, supportive environment amongst students and in the school at large.

My D became increasingly aware through this process that UArts possibly fulfilled all of her desires, and, honestly, so far, they have! (If you’d like, click on my user name to see past posts; there are many details about D’s experience at UArts there. Or, feel free to ask more questions here or in a PM.)

I’m a freshman MT and happy to answer any questions! If you PM me I’ll give you my email address so your daughter and I can chat if she wants to talk with a current student :slight_smile:

Thanks! We are visiting tomorrow! :slight_smile: @MTVT2015

My daughter was accepted into the MT program for the fall 2017. We really know so little. Someone said U of Arts was a cut school? Any advice? How many audition how many accepted?

My daughter was accepted into the MT program for the fall 2017. We really know so little. Someone said U of Arts was a cut school? Any advice? How many audition how many accepted?
Stressed out mom!:slight_smile:

Absolutely NOT a cut school. I don’t know the exact numbers and I don’t want to give incorrect info but feel free to message me if you want to hear about my experience! I’m a sophomore MT.

Last year they took 33 BFA Acting and the year before, 26 BFA Acting