class sizes?

<p>I'm wondering specifically about CALS classes. I couldn't find any information on this online</p>

<p>it depends on what classes. for the more popular majors/required classes, most intro lecture classes (ie: bio for majors/non-majors, intro to business mgmt, etc.) are 200-300+ with smaller labs or discussions usually no more than 20-25. as you get into upper level classes, the amount of people in each class thin out.</p>

<p>if you’re in a major where there are only 15-20 people per year (ie: atmospheric science), then you won’t have to worry about that.</p>

<p>What about, say, an HBHS (Human Biology, Health, and Society) major at HumEc?
Is that a popular major with big classes?</p>

<p>I’ve gotten all my core courses out of the way (except I’ll probably have to take organic chem), I’m a plant science major, should my classes be under 100 students?</p>

<p>ochem will be a very large class, your plant science courses however should all be under a hundred, a quick look at the courses offered by the dept fall 2008 on jtf, the largest I saw was 64 currently enrolled students, most were in the 15-30 range</p>