<p>This is for those of you who sat in on a class before applying...</p>
<p>What class? What prof? How did you go about scheduling it?</p>
<p>Merci to anyone who answers.</p>
<p>This is for those of you who sat in on a class before applying...</p>
<p>What class? What prof? How did you go about scheduling it?</p>
<p>Merci to anyone who answers.</p>
<p>i went to behavioral neuroscience last february. i don’t know the prof’s name, i’m sorry :[ i attended because my friend happened to be in the class and i was interested in it. so i guess this post won’t be of much use to you, since you’re probably wondering how to schedule one… but i will say that it was a very interesting class, and if you have the chance, i’d highly recommend it.</p>
<p>I think the admissions office has a schedule so if you’re visiting the campus, you can stop by, pick a class that looks interesting, and just go. You don’t need to inform the professor or get permission or anything. You’ll obviously stand out less if you visit a lecture than a seminar.</p>
<p>you can pretty much stop by any lecture class that seems interesting to you. the admissions office has some “suggested” classes you might want to check out. the professors are always welcoming…just arrive a few minutes early if it’s a smaller class so you can ask the professor permission to sit in on the class</p>