Classes at Penn

<p>Alright, so I talked to a few people and we realized that there is one thing that could really help future Penn students: what classes/professors to take, which ones not to take, which ones kill your gpa, which ones boost your gpa, which ones are interesting, which ones are boring, etc. </p>

<p>I think we should use this part of the forum to say anything you know about any of the classes at penn. I know there is ratemyprofessordotcom and stuff, but this forum could help penn students plan their schedule out and avoid terrible classes.</p>

<p>So, on here, write down what class or professor you know about, and a description of it (Take or Not Take, Interesting or Boring, Kill GPA or Boost GPA, What's Great or Bad about the class/professor, and lastly, what does this class count for (GE Requirement, extra elective, fundamental, sector, what major, etc.))</p>

<p>I'll start from what some of the other forums have told me:

<p>Math 104 - kills gpa, terrible class, try to place out with AP Calc BC.
Biol 101/102 - obviously a weeder class, however i dont know how one can avoid it.</p>

<p>I’ve heard penn course review is pretty helpful and accurate…but we would need to wait for our Pennkey.</p>

<p>No need to reinvent the wheel! Penn Course Review does exactly what you’re asking!</p>

<p>^not exactly. i find that the difficulty of the classes is often over/understated on Penncoursereview… since the “difficulty metric” correlates more closely to how hard the subject matter is rather than how hard it is to get an A. </p>

<p>However, most Penn students find that the instructor ratings on penncoursereview are generally pretty accurate, and if an instructor gets a 3+ out of 4, then the class will probably be really good. Most students will recommend taking classes where the instructor is good rather than just taking classes where the subject matter is “interesting”. A good professor can make dirt be the most interesting thing in the world and vice versa.</p>

<p>Actually, I would really recommend asking upperclassmen which classes and professors to choose, as you can learn much more than just via numerical ratings.</p>

<p>^exactly. which is why i was hoping if anyone could contribute. there are a lot of penn students and penn alumni on cc, a lot of people have brothers and sisters and friends who go to penn or have gone to penn, and others have just done a lot of research. so i feel like they could give some insight.</p>

<p>Agree with quaker. Upper class men are your best bet. Professers often change so it is hard to predict.most intro courses in pure sciences are tough and will kill your gpa if you aren’t careful.</p>

<p>Penn Course Review is pretty reliable in my experience. One thing to be careful of is asking an upperclassman to talk about a professor. I have had professors who were tremendous in a 400 level class but atrocious in a survey (100 level) course.</p>

<p>bumpity bump bump</p>
