Classes at two community colleges - dilemma!

<p>Hello, I'm planning on taking biology 6a and chem 1b at Foothill next quarter because all the classes at De anza are filled! Is it okay if i take chem 1b there even though i took chem 1a at de anza. I heard colleges dont like that because some material can be skipped. Also Biology is totally different at foothill and De anza. I think the first and second ones are switched. Is this okay?? Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Go to and check which classes in each of the colleges correspond to which required classes at whatever school you’re trying to transfer to.</p>

<p>should be fine since the schools are in the same district. that’s why the number and letter corresponding to the classes are the same. it would probably be called differently at another school</p>

<p>It should be okay. I’m taking Math2A at Foothill after taking Math1D De Anza. Also, I’m taking Phys4A at Foothill and maybe the rest at De Anza.</p>

<p>yeah its okay, im doing something similar, by taking classes at evergreen valley college and san jose city college which are also in the same district as eachother</p>

<p>Lol, I took classes at FOUR different community colleges. It’s always a b*tch getting transcripts. -_-</p>

<p>yeah, don’t worry</p>

<p>i’m taking classes at both foothill and de anza for a lot of quarters too. i asked counselors from both schools and they say a lot of students do that, so it should be fine :)</p>

<p>well i am gonna take classes at la valley college and la mission college and i asked the same q … they counsellors said yeah sure… many of the students do it</p>

<p>thanks everyone!</p>