Classes for Senior Year

<p>Does west point see the classes that I am planning to take senior year on my transcript? Do those classes matter very much? If so, should I take AP Physics B or AP Chemistry during my senior year? Here is my schedule for next year:</p>

<p>Hon English 12
AP AB Calc
AP Economics
AP Physics(Mabye Chem)
Russian 6
Philosophy(1st Semester)
Sociology(2nd Semester)
Health(1st Semester)
Weight Training(Second Semester)</p>

<p>How is this schedule for senior year in applying to West point? Should I take a double period AP chemistry instead of AP Physics or does it not make a difference?...If I do this I would have to drop philosophy and sociology. Should I take an academic instead of Weight Training?</p>

<p>Yes - Admissions will see your senior classes and you will be required to submit your 8th semester transcript.
Take the most challenging course load you can handle while still maintaining good grades.</p>

<p>Take AP Chemistry since AP Physics B isnt accepted by most schools for an AP credit. the reason being is that AP Physics B is not AP Physics C which is more math and calculus based. AP Physics B is really just concepts and a little math. Like i said, not accepted by many, if any. </p>

<p>I’m taking AP Physics B and AP Chem this year ( senior). Although im taking AP Physics for fun and not to get a AP credit. With that being said if you dont want to get an AP Physics credit for college then take AP Physics B.</p>

<p>You should definitely take a harder academic than Sociology. In my school that course is like a class that you use to do all your homework. I took it junior year and didnt expect it to be what it is. If you want to learn Sociology i would suggest learning it on the side as a hobby, and then take something slightly more academic.</p>