Classes Full

<p>There are only 8 multivariable spots available to sign up for, and not even a single freshman registered yet! Isn't this crazy. I am pretty sure that a lot of freshman (especially engineering) students are coming in with the Calculus BC credit. So, how are they going to continue on the math track? It is hard to believe that basically no freshman will be able to take multivariable calculus, at least from the spots remaining. Isn't this going to be negative side for VT? I mean in previous years, freshman normally took linear algebra and vector geometry (both in their first sem.) but not they removed them and we are left with taking Math 2224. With only 8 spots remaining, does this mean freshman are not going to be able to take their desired math course at a Tech school? </p>

<p>You may or may not get the class depending on availability. This is the same as all colleges. Keep in mind, you do not have to have that math class in the Fall. The curriculm has it for a later semester. You want to take it early given you have AP classes. VT needs to first accomodate the Sophmores, where this class is a Fall 2014 requirement and prereq to their Spring 2015 DifEq class. So, should VT have class space available for all people wanting to take something early? Unfortunately, this is impossilbe and unrealistic. Lastly, don’t fret yet. You may get it during orientation, or advisors may have already placed some students, or additional classes may be added, or people will drop the class during the week before classes start when many people start to play with schedules. Lastly, keep in mind that this will be the way of life throughout your college years. You will have to be flexible with classes, times, professors, etc. which can be very frustrating at times, but all works out. BTW - It is the same at all colleges, so not a VT negative or fault. </p>

<p>I still think it is insane if at least half the engineering students don’t get to take multi and have to take a gap semester for math. That is gonna suck. I hope my adviser already signed me up.</p>

<p>My understanding is they hold spots for orientations so there are actually more spots than you see… My son tested out of calc last year and had no trouble getting the next level math his freshman year.</p>

<p>That is great news, thanks for sharing!</p>

<p>They do hold spots, although I don’t know if they hold them in advanced classes like Multi. At any rate if it’s all full keep an eye out since they’re likely to add a section. </p>

<p>The Math department has just revamped the freshman/sophomore curriculum for incoming students. You won’t be taking MATH-2224. Instead, you would be taking the new MATH-2204 multivariable course which doesn’t have vector geometry as a prerequisite. So as long as you’re coming in with credit for the Calc I and II courses (which are now MATH-1225 and 1226), you will be able to take MATH-2204. None of the sophomores will be taking that one, as the new math courses are only for incoming students graduating in 2018+.</p>

<p>that’s good news! thanks!</p>