classes getting canceled...

<p>so due to the budget crisis, one of my major prereqs during the spring got canceled. that means by the end of spring, i'll only have done 3/6 political science major prereqs (2 of them arent even offered at my community college district or any around here, and the last one is offered but it got canceled). My question is, will that hurt my chances? My GPA dropped substantially from a 3.9 to a 3.75ish but that's because this was my first semester of college and i kinda took 20.5 semester units worth of classes so that i could transfer one year early.</p>

<p>oh im trying to transfer to UCLA or CAL</p>

<p>That particular event won’t lower your chances. I’ve found that every encounter I have had with UC admissions has been normal, sane, and reasonable. </p>

<p>Also, they’re only concerned with the pre-reqs you took that your school offers. I asked a Cal rep face to face (when I applied last year) about Glendale CC having 13 history pre-reqs and my school only having 5. She said the people scoring your app will pull up assist and evaluate your pre-reqs in regards to what your school offers (not what other schools offer).</p>

<p>If you don’t get in it’s not because of that.</p>

<p>maybe you could take a pre-req at a ccc?</p>

<p>here’s an update on this situation… </p>

<p>by the end of spring 2009, ill be done with 3/6 major prereqs listed on out of the remaining 3, 1 was supposedly offered but that class got cancelled.</p>

<p>another school in my district offers a similar class with the same name and same number… but on, it is not articulated. i was told that it would be a toss-up to take it because it was not guaranteed that it would transfer over as a major prereq. </p>

<p>so im debating… should i still take it? if i enroll in it, it’ll mean i have to drive 40 minutes every tuesday and thursday at 8, then after class ends at 10, drive back to my current school. </p>

<p>i was told that if i do transfer to UCLA, most people can get around taking it. any truth to this?</p>