Classes help

<p>Hey, so i am a transfer student this fall. and the classes i will be taking are MATH 1114 with England..ESM2074 with Canfield...MSE 2034 with Aning.... STAT 3704...ECE 2054 with Broadwayer...ME 2124... So can anyone tell me if they ever taken any of those classes? Hard, easy?..Do i need a tablet for MSE class or not? Thank you so much.. I am just stressed about everything.</p>

<p>When I had MSE we did need the tablets. Aning does his own thing a lot of the time though (he’s also a hilarious guy and sometimes even intends to be) though so who knows.</p>

<p>Stat isn’t that hard but it’s great stuff to know so pay attention. Which ESM is that?</p>

<p>ESM is Computational Methods. I think it uses matlab. Do you think it’s really important to have a tablet for those classes? Because I didn’t plan on getting one… Thank you got the help.</p>

<p>Well, you’ll need either a tablet or one of those USB pads or you’ll fail some classes since they require you to do stuff on them.</p>

<p>Do you think those classes are Manageable?</p>

<p>Have you learned how to not sleep yet?</p>

<p>I’m sort of kidding. Can you put what all those classes actually are? I think I had most of them but I don’t remember the numbers.</p>

<p>Computational Methods…linear algebra online…Elem of Materials Eng…Stat for Eng Apps…Applied Electrical Theory…Intro Thermal Fluid.</p>