I’m about to finish my freshman year in high school, and my strong subjects are maths and sciences. I’m pretty good with English and History/Social Studies, but I’m just not that interested in them. My goal would be to be admitted into MIT, and people have been saying that Biology is recommended for MIT. Obviously, AP Biology would be great, but I took Engineering this year, so AP Bio isn’t really an option anymore. Is this like, bad? My school isn’t the… brightest… but people have been to MIT, so I know it’s possible, even from our school. I just want to know if I have chance.
Just read this. http://mitadmissions.org/blogs/entry/there_is_no_formula
If it’s recommended that means it’s not required. Not taking AP Bio is probably the lamest reason to not admit a student, and colleges will understand your weird school system in which you’re not allowed to take AP Bio for some reason.
Specific classes are just one small part in the admissions process. MIT is looking more for your GPA, Course Rigor, Class Rank, SAT/ACT, Subject Tests, EC’s, Essays…
The ONLY way a specific class might ruin your chances is if you plan on majoring in Math or Physics or something and you didn’t take Calculus or at least Pre-calculus in high school. That’s the only reason not taking a certain class in high school might ruin your chances at MIT.
Don’t worry you’re perfectly fine.