Classes/professors to avoid as a pre-med

<p>Hi everyone - can any of the current pre-med students out there point out some good (and bad) professors and classes that they've had? Anyone you recommend or dislike? I'm picking my classes this coming week and I wanted a heads up on what I should be expecting. </p>

<p>Are there even any pre-meds transfers that have already gone to see the transfer advisor about their fall classes?!?! </p>

<p>Any feedback would be great! </p>


<p>ABC, are you going into the premed track? I just picked my classes last week and they don’t seem to be too terrible even after I researched the professors.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m doing the premed track. What classes do you want to take next semester? Are you going to use AP credit?</p>

<p>I already picked my classes. I’m actually a transfer student and I didn’t have too many AP credits. All I had was English lit, English comp, Spanish, pysch and art history. Nothing really went towards my premed prereqs.</p>

<p>heeeey guys. I am a prospective student looking to apply at UMiami. how is their premed path? Do they have opportunities such as research? Is it cut throat? Any information is appreciated.</p>

<p>Use RateMyProfessors website to see which teachers are better than others at UM.</p>

<p>A lot of premeds will say to avoid Colonna for Orgo. It’s true that she can be a tough grader and a GPA killer, but you will know Orgo like the back of your hand and not need to “learn” anything for the MCAT, just light review. She also expects you to know the exceptions (not usually found on the MCAT). Points to consider.</p>

<p>Additionally, if taking a biochemistry course, I recommend against Huijing (How-ying). He’s very old and teaching less and less, so it’s likely you can avoid him entirely, but few students have good experiences with him.</p>

<p>hey canesgirl, I sent you a personal message with a few questions.</p>

<p>How do you feel about Mallery for BIL150? I was told that 160 was tougher than 150 by my psych adviser, which I honestly think doesn’t believe in people being pre-med and wants everyone to go into psych. any opinions on that?</p>

<p>I can’t comment on Mallery for 150, but I had him for another class. His tests are on an online test bank and he repurposes a lot of questions (changes a word or two that changes the whole meaning, but the knowledge you need is the same). It’s really helpful to see how you’ll do on his test, but don’t try to memorize the questions. As a teacher, he’s not bad. He tends to drone on a lot. He says et cetera so much you’ll want to kill yourself. Show up to class. He gives a lot of extra credit quizzes.</p>

<p>What other classes does he teach? </p>

<p>Who do you recommend for Chemistry, Orgo I & II, Calculus and Physics?</p>

<p>Chemistry and/or Orgo: Heller if you can get him.</p>

<p>Orgo1: Colonna if you want to know it really well and work your butt off. Wilson if you need motivation to go to class. </p>

<p>Orgo2 Colonna is your only option if you aren’t in PRISM</p>

<p>Calculus: No opinion</p>

<p>Physics: No professor recommendation, but take “college” physics, not “university” physics.
College - 2 semesters, algebra-based, applies to the MCAT
University - 3 semesters, calc-based, does not apply to MCAT as directly, kills your GPA</p>


<p>Hey, I’m an upcoming freshman. At this point, I believe I only have one science class first semester which is Chem 111. Although I’m not sure who my professor is I know I’m limited to Lewis, Purcell, and Heller. Out of curiosity why would you recommend Heller? After looking over RMP it seems like Purcell is easier to get a higher grade. Almost everyone complains about Heller being unfair, and having a harsh grading system? </p>

<p>Also, is it common for freshman to take Chem 111 before Bio 150 if they are pre-meds?
Would you recommend taking Bio and Chem together as a freshman? </p>

<p>I received a 5 in AP Lang which gives me 6 credits and the ability to not take Eng 105, and 106. However, since med schools require a year of English would it be better to take them anyway? I thought they might be “weed out” classes, but are classes like creative writing harder?</p>

<p>I was originally a neuroscience major, and pre-med. But after looking into the requirements for the major it seems wayy too rigorous. I know you can major in what ever you want as a Pre-Med… but in your honest opinion what do you think is the best major for pre-meds at miami if they want to maintain a high GPA? Would a non-science major have the same opportunities for research as a science major? Do higher level bio courses like genetics help on the MCAT?</p>

<p>Finally I was placed in Calc W/ foundations instead of Calc 1. I didn’t take AP Calc but my calc class in highschool covered 70% of what a Calc 1 class teaches. I’m assuming Miami used my low SAT math score (630) when putting me into a math class. Do I just have to talk to my adviser to move up to Calc 1, or is there any other process? </p>

<p>CanesGirl12 Thanks once again for all your help. </p>

<p>I’m just a bit overwhelmed right now haha Anyway 16 more days till the U Wooo! </p>

<p>*sorry sabrina for hijacking your thread</p>

<p>For future reference, it’s easier to respond if you number your questions.</p>

<p>There’s more to undergrad than a high GPA. Seriously, if you go with that mindset, you are doomed to fail, or be one of the people that I want to strangle:
“Oh my god, I can’t believe I got a B on that test. I studied soooo hard. I have to go talk to the teacher right now to see if I can get it changed. I’ll just never get into med school if I get a B in this class.”
I hate people like that. Undergrad is not simply a stepping stone between high school and Med school. There’s a lot more learning to be done here than the typical pre-med gets from school. Don’t be a grade-grubber or GPA obsessed. Live a little; it will give you something to talk about at interviews.</p>

<p>Heller for Chm111 - Grading is done by TA’s trained by the teacher, so grading can vary slightly between years. If you lose points where you shouldn’t have, he’ll give them back. I like Heller for the class aspect. He keeps it exciting and interactive. You get more from the class when the teacher makes it fun. At least once a week, we had an experimental demo in class and he tried to tie it back into the lab we were doing that week in chem lab. Purcell is better if you want “easier” tests, but you don’t learn the information as well.</p>

<p>Absolutely take Chem and Bio together. Knock out Chem111/112 and Bio 150/160 ASAP.</p>

<p>I took creative writing instead of ENG105/106. I enjoyed it a lot and it was mildly challenging. I enjoyed the class discussions and the assignments were fair. I liked my teacher because he made it interesting. There is a lot less writing in creative writing, but the grading is slightly more subjective. If you participate in class discussions, at worst, you’ll get a B.</p>

<p>Yes, take genetics. Not only is it required, but it is becoming more important on the MCAT. If you have any remedial skill at algebra, the first half of genetics should be a piece of cake.</p>

<p>I don’t know about the Calc thing. I recommend you ask your adviser. Show him/her the grade you got in your calculus class in HS and say that you’re willing to take a math placement exam.</p>

<p>Remember: There’s more to college than your GPA. Major in something impressive (like neuroscience, biochemistry, or biomedical engineering) and med schools will give you more GPA leeway.</p>

<p>I started this thread so that everyone could gain more information on professors/classes, so no need to apologize :)</p>

<p>Canesgirl: Who did you have for creative writing? I’m taking that class for the simple purpose of gaining the writing credit. I need 2 additional intensive writing credits after this semester.</p>

<p>Hey MeaningofLife - my daughter also was placed in a Calc Foundations course. She contacted the math department and was able to go in and take a math placement test which she did during the summer but I think you can also take the math placement during orientation too. In any event, she did fine on the placement and was able to take the Calc class for pre-med. I think it was Calc 161. Her professor was L. Petrosia or something like that and she did fine but it was alot of work as she only had a pre-calc class in high school. She did use an ARC tutor and the teacher’s office hours to get her through the class. She did get an A in the course and was smart to get the ARC tutor right away and early in the course as I think it made a huge difference for her. One of the tutors was great, the other not somuch. Good Luck</p>

<p>do you have to sign up to discuss choosing your class with your counselor during orientation?</p>

<p>Also, do you have to sign up for your classes during orientation or can you choose them later online?</p>

<p>I’m not sure how it works for incoming freshman but I know that for transfer students you’re able to make an appointment with the transfer advisor during the summer (I went in June) to pick your classes. Once you pick your classes, you’re able to make adjustments on your own through myum with a pin that the advisor gives you.</p>

<p>Freshmen are given a schedule during orientation based on course preferences they selected earlier, but it can be changed after that by using a pin number you get from seeing your advisor.</p>