Classes still set to start Wednesday, two days after the game?

<p>I believe next Sunday is move in day for the dorm, already!, and the game is the next day. Classes are set to start on Wednesday.</p>

<p>Son is still holding out hope that class start will be delayed.</p>

<p>Any possibility of that happening?</p>

<p>The move-in date was changed to Sat. at 10am presumably to accommodate the kids going to the game.</p>

<p>Haven’t heard anything about a delay of classes. </p>

<p>We make the drive to T-town on Fri. Boy, has the time gone by so quickly.</p>

<p>Considering the game is being played in a location that is driving distance from Tuscaloosa and there are two days between the game and the start of the semester, I would wager that a delay is highly doubtful.</p>

<p>I doubt that there will be a delay in the start date. Bama set THIS date to accomodate a possible BCS game…after getting criticisms two years ago for changing the start date.</p>

<p>and, since the game is “local” (so to speak), it shouldn’t be a problem. I think it’s only a 6 hr drive.</p>

<p>Two years ago, the game was on a Thursday night, so the start date was pushed to Monday.</p>

<p>Classes will likely start as scheduled on Wednesday, January 11, 2012. I’m hosting a game watching party on the West Coast and am going to the airport immediately after the game so I can be in Tuscaloosa by dinnertime on Tuesday and will be in class Wednesday morning. I could have made it in time for breakfast on Tuesday, but am taking a more scenic route. :slight_smile: New Orleans is 3.5-6 hours away, which is a reasonable drive, especially if there are multiple drivers, and doesn’t involve changing time zones.</p>

<p>^^^Seatide, I love your sense of adventure. The scenic route! Love it! </p>

<p>We really did want to have son home for a Game Watching party and drive him back on Tuesday. We don’t have the vacation days to spare, and son will probably have more fun watching the game in the dorm with his friends.</p>

<p>The jury is still out, and we may change our plans at the last minute.</p>

<p>As you said, NOLA is not a far drive. It, unfortunately, is not scenic. The drive between Hattiesburg and Meridian is abyssmal, and I usually nap during that time. The short straw will get that drive shift. </p>

<p>Hope everyone has a great time at the time, either in person or in spirit, and have safe travels back to school!</p>