
As a freshman are there any relatively easy classes to take - looking to balance out my schedule

Do WRIT 111, that gives you a gen ed credit that isn’t offered for a lot of classes. And it’s pretty easy.

I have the same question… I need to fulfill PWC scholars requirements, the SOM requirements, and the required classes for my GT to Cornell which I am going to take just in case i decide to transfer. For Cornell, I need to take an intensive writing course (at least 18 pages of polished work), and a class the focuses on either Western or Eastern hemisphere history, and possibly a science and technology class.

I have been working on my first semester schedule…let me know how you think I would fare. I plan to study but also go out frequently, and need a 3.5, so I am really just trying to take the easiest classes.

ASTR 114/115 (science and tech)
CQS 111
MGMT 114
MGMT 150
WRIT 111 (would this be considered a writing-intensive course?)
@rebeccar maybe you can shed some light.

I was a humanities major so I don’t know about SOM classes but I seem to remember a lot of people taking Astronomy for the easy L credit. WRIT111 fulfills that O or J or C something. Not a lot of classes have it so it’s a good idea to take writ111 which is easy and all-freshmen.