<p>Has anyone heard anything about Sta3024-Statistics2 (with Yesilcay) and Spn2240- Spanish? I can't decide if I want to retake stats 1 (because I've heard it's really easy?). How about spanish, is there a lot of work?</p>
<p>I don’t know about Stats 2, but Stats 1 is very easy. If you want the GPA boost, go ahead and re take it, otherwise you might find it mind numbingly dull.</p>
<p>SPN 2240 isn’t difficult, either. I think it depends on your teacher, though. There’s a few readings and a lot of in class discussions. No grammar; tests your on vocab and understanding the readings. I easily got an A.</p>
<p>2240 is the first Spanish class that will count towards a major/minor, so consider that.</p>
<p>Does anyone know of any easier PR classes (other than 3000) or any upper division advertising electives that are not too tough? My daughter is having a tough time figuring out what to take for spring and next year (senior year) to go with her required classes, since they are a ton of work. She also needs to declare a minor or a concentration and has no clue what to do.</p>
<p>Anyone heard about Stats 2?</p>